50+ Free High-res Blank Template Stock Photos
Blank templates are stock photos designed in such a way where some parts are blanked-out so you can insert your own creatives.
These type of stock photos comes pretty handy for companies or freelancers (even for bloggers); all you need to do is find the correct background, throw in your campaign texts or titles, and it looks as good as a new piece of an ad. It saves time, and effort and, best of all, saves money for getting a new design ground up.
Here’s a compilation of more than 50 high resolution blank templates you can use. They’re free, but you might want to dig further into the copyrights if you are using them for commercials.
40+ Websites to Download Royalty-Free Images
Chances are you're pretty tired of seeing traditional stock photos of people in suits shaking hands. Not only... Read more
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