Get Off The Internet: A Challenge to Reconnect With Yourself
Unplug from digital life to enhance well-being and creativity. Learn the importance of offline time.
What activities occupy most of your time online? Perhaps you’re working on design, or projects, sending emails, gaming, pinning, reading, socializing, surfing the web, watching videos, or writing reviews. Even when we’re not seated in front of our desktop computers or laptops, we often have a phone to our ear and a tablet in our hands.
Now, think about what you do when you’re not connected to the Internet. I hope your answer isn’t a spur-of-the-moment, socially acceptable response. Many of us who earn our living online also use the Internet for our leisure activities. These might include playing games, socializing from the comfort of our armchairs, and perhaps even keeping tabs on our exes. As you might guess, these aren’t the healthiest of pastimes.
Our preference for gadgets, text, and images over real-life interactions could be a sign of bigger issues on the horizon. In this article, we’ll briefly discuss some of the ways our Internet addiction is causing problems for us. We’ll also explore why it’s increasingly important to disconnect from the digital world in order to reconnect with humanity.
5 Ways Tech Addiction is Changing Our Behavior
Science and technology are meant to improve our lives, but ironically, we've become their prisoners. We constantly need... Read more
Our Well-being
Recently, I found myself grappling with a brief episode of ‘computer fatigue.’ It’s a genuine set of symptoms, although not severe enough to warrant a sick day. You might have encountered it too: a persistent strain across your nose bridge, between your eyes; blurred vision, a metallic taste, headaches, and mild dizziness. These symptoms aren’t severe enough to necessitate a doctor’s visit, but they can hinder productivity to a noticeable extent.

After clocking in an average of 13 hours daily on the computer, I yearned to return to traditional paper-based work, at least until my health improved. A grueling week later, I discovered the remedy: a much-needed 12-hour sleep marathon.
The following morning, all my symptoms had vanished. One of the perks of having an understanding boss, particularly in the freelancing world, is their tolerance for such minor setbacks. However, I think it’s essential to advocate for better self-care, especially considering how relatable this scenario might be for many of us.
Family and Friends
The old adage cautions against mixing business with pleasure, but it’s unclear where ‘family’ fits into this equation. In the traditional 9-to-5 work environment, many of us find our time with loved ones dwindling. This issue is exacerbated when we become engrossed in the digital world.
Our increasing reliance on the Internet, whether it’s for responding to emails, reading blogs, browsing social media, or pursuing hobbies on our PCs, mobiles, or tablets, inversely affects the time we spend with those around us.
Despite boasting hundreds or even thousands of friends on Facebook, how many do we actually meet for a casual drink? And when we do, how much quality time do we truly spend with them? More often than not, upon settling down and placing your order, both of you might immediately reach for your smartphones, scrolling through daily updates, news, tweets, and messages before finding a topic to discuss.

Ironically, we tend to spend more time interacting with friends on our phones than with those sitting right in front of us. In essence, the quicker we connect to a nearby Wi-Fi network, the faster we disconnect from the real world.
“Undoubtedly, creativity is the most valuable resource humans possess. Without it, progress would be impossible, and we would be stuck in an endless loop of repetition.” – Edward de Bono.
Consider this: Advancements and innovations are born from ideas. These technological leaps forward propel our society’s progress.

Therefore, it’s vital to ensure a continuous flow of ideas, which is where creativity comes into play. Creative ideas are unique – sometimes they are a new twist on an existing concept, while at other times, they are entirely revolutionary. Examples include quantum physics, the ability to fly, electricity, and more recently, the tablet.
The potential of the human mind is astounding when we allow an idea to mature over time.
The Dilemma of Originality and Sharing
In today’s digital age, the ease of sharing content has seemingly diminished the need or motivation to create original ideas. The question arises: why fix what isn’t broken?
We see this trend in various aspects of our lives. Students and academics heavily rely on Wikipedia for research, while blogs often recycle content from other sources. Memes and rage comics rehash old jokes that have been circulating since the internet’s inception, and YouTube is brimming with covers of popular songs by talented young artists.
The impact of this ‘sharing is caring’ mentality extends beyond just these examples. Consider the film industry: 2012 was dubbed the ‘year of the sequel,’ with over 95 movie sequels in production and at least 50 films slated for remakes. This pattern is also evident in the music industry with its abundance of covers and mash-ups, and in literature, where originality can sometimes be questioned (as seen with the Hunger Games series).
This trend, coupled with the fact that credit is often overlooked on the web, prompts us to consider whether we are indeed running out of new ideas. If this is the case, it may lend credence to Edward de Bono’s assertion about the state of originality in our society.
Disconnecting from the Digital World
Technology, with its captivating allure, effortlessly provides us with what we desire, when we desire it. In today’s world, it may seem challenging to spend a day without our smartphones, constantly checking for notifications, engaging in online games, or sharing our latest meal on social media.
However, when the weekend rolls around, it’s essential to take a break from the digital realm. This is a time to reconnect with our physical selves, the people around us, and our surroundings.
Engage in activities that don’t require immediate feedback or comments from others. You could try writing for your own pleasure, learning to play a new musical instrument, or picking up a book from your shelf without reading a review first.
Consider embarking on a road trip with your partner, children, or even your mother. Alternatively, you could invite your college friends for a camping, fishing, or abseiling adventure. Be bold and try something new that doesn’t involve signing up or logging into a website.

If possible, leave your electronic devices behind. If you can’t leave your home for a trip, consider turning off your Wi-Fi. Reconnect with yourself through meditation, a relaxing bubble bath, or by preparing a delicious salad just for you.
As humans, we are inherently social creatures. Even though social networks have become a significant part of our lives, they can’t replace the unique joy of sharing a cup of coffee with a friend in a cozy café, sheltered from the rain, while enjoying good music. This simple experience can often be more rewarding than we ever imagined.
Moreover, one thing that people can provide, which technology cannot, is emotional and moral support, along with the motivation to keep striving. This is a realm where technology falls short.