60 Beautiful Large Background Website Design
Large background images have already become an integral part of any Web design, yet they’re often perceived as trivial things. In spite of this, the designers are not giving up this trend. They try their best to power up their Web pages with new elements, one of which is the video (or animated) website background.
Video is the best way to draw attention. Stunning video or animation in the background can easily make people stop and stare, then examine it, increasing the time they spend on the site, and hopefully lead to more interaction with the contents on the site.
Moreover, the usage of video background could add dynamics and ambiance to the site and is a great opportunity to show off your skills and creativity, especially since they are still pretty scarce. It’s a challenge to find enough for a showcase, but here it is: 60 incredible sites with full-size video backgrounds that will take your breath away!
Showcase of Stunning Web Designs Featuring Beautiful Typography
Typography, the art of arranging type in design, is undeniably one of the fundamental elements of excellent web... Read more


























































