6 Essential Tips for Bloggers to Learn from Journalism
The debate about whether bloggers can be considered journalists continues in this digital age. Modern technology allows anyone with internet access and basic blogging skills to share information with the world. This has led to a wide range of blog post standards, especially from bloggers without a journalistic background.
While having the freedom to express our thoughts and opinions in various ways is beneficial, incorporating some journalistic principles can enhance our blogs. It makes our content appear more professional and reliable, encouraging readers to take our words more seriously. Additionally, understanding how our words reach a broad audience helps us post more responsibly.
Here are six valuable lessons bloggers can learn from journalism:
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1. The Inverted Pyramid: Headlines and Leads
The concept of an inverted pyramid suggests that the most interesting and important information should always be placed at the beginning of your article. This approach helps readers grasp the main idea of your post quickly, allowing them to decide whether to continue reading or move on. Each subsequent paragraph should present the next most important information, leading to the final paragraph.

This means that the headline and the lead (first sentence of the article) are crucial for capturing your readers’ attention. Craft an engaging and compelling headline and lead to spark curiosity and encourage readers to explore the rest of your content. One effective technique is to pose a provocative and stimulating question, such as “Have you ever wondered…?” This approach helps relate the story to the reader and makes them think about the topic.
2. Brevity and Clarity
This tip can be summarized as: Get to the point and keep it simple. Keep your sentences short and your paragraphs brief. Reduce word count by eliminating unnecessary words. Check for redundant words (using too many words to express an idea) and repetitive language (reusing the same words more than needed). Use simple language and minimize jargon that your target audience may not understand.
Remember, your role as a journalistic blogger is to communicate ideas clearly to your audience. If you include more details than necessary, attention will be diverted from your main points. This can lead to misinterpretations, which you want to avoid because your goal is to convey your message accurately.
3. Distinguishing Opinions from Facts
It’s easy to blur the line between opinions and facts when your assumptions are deeply ingrained. However, presenting opinions and assumptions as facts can damage the trust that knowledgeable readers have in your content and is also morally questionable as it misleads less informed readers.
The worst-case scenario is posting an article based entirely on an opinion that you assumed was a fact. In other words, you might be drawing conclusions from inaccurate information and sharing your take on it. This can lead to a loss of readership when people question the reliability of your content.
A small error can stand out significantly, so always strive to be as truthful as possible. Ensure that all your entries have their facts verified before publishing to maintain a good reputation.
4. Fact Verification
Rumors can often be mistaken for facts amidst the vast information on the internet, and as a journalistic blogger, it is your duty to verify and confirm them. Unlike traditional journalists, bloggers often face less accountability for their content. However, by consistently verifying the information you post as facts, your blog can establish a level of credibility. This quality will attract and retain readers.

A simple way to verify information is to trace it back to the original source. Avoid accepting information from another blog as truth without seeing the original source yourself. To further convince your readers of your accuracy, cite your sources within your article. This practice not only enhances your readers’ confidence in your content but also helps you avoid accusations of plagiarism.
5. Editing and Rewriting
Rereading, editing, and rewriting your drafts are essential steps for producing quality writing. This process helps you reduce word count and ensure a smooth flow from beginning to end. Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors; such mistakes are unforgivable for journalists. Having another person proofread your work and provide feedback can also improve your writing.

Like many great things in life, writing always has room for improvement. Editing and rewriting are crucial for perfecting your writing skills. Developing the habit of repeatedly reviewing and revising your work will refine your final products.
6. Ethics
Journalists understand that their articles can significantly impact their readers. They know their role is to remain objective and provide accurate information. Therefore, they uphold honesty and accuracy and take great responsibility and pride in their writing.
Similarly, our blogs can significantly impact anyone who reads them. Do you distort facts to sway readers to your personal views? Do you present your opinions as facts? If you receive sponsorship from companies to write favorable reviews, will you remain truthful and objective in your posts? These are crucial questions to consider to ensure you write with the right intentions.
While blogs may not be viewed as seriously as official news sources, remember that anything you publish can be accessed by anyone with internet access. This is especially true as more people use social networking sites to share links. You never know the potential impact of your post.