Open Color – UI-Optimized color scheme for designers
How much time do you waste toying around while choosing the right colors scheme for your designs? With Open Color you have access to a predefined color scheme made specifically for screen design.
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The colors range across the entire spectrum with very dull and very bright color choices. Designers can work with these color choices and combine them without the hassle of designing their own color scheme from scratch.

Open Color is a completely free open source tool and it’s hosted on GitHub for anyone to access. These color choices are specifically made for UI designers and they work great for all web and mobile app projects.
The site even has free palette resources you can download for importing palettes into your design workflow. You’ll find palettes for Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InkScape with others hopefully on the way in the future.
There’s even an online Adobe library for this color scheme set as a linkable asset.
So if you really like the Open Color selection you can download the entire color palette for any design program and keep it handy every step of the way.
On the ingredients page you’ll learn how these colors were selected and why they blend so well together.

But there’s also a documentation page for getting started if you want to run these color schemes with Sass or Less. From Photoshop to CSS this is one of the easiest color schemes to get up and running.
You’ll find a few handy guides currently in progress under the "instructions" dropdown. The only completed page is the grayscale guide which is very detailed and offers some tips for building contrast between page elements. The other guides are still in the works but should be finished soon.
If you design digital interfaces then Open Color is a very handy resource to keep nearby. Check out the project page to learn more and if you want a local copy you can download the source right from GitHub.
Read Also: Best Color Tools for Web Designers