Pixel Art Photoshop Tutorials For The Pixel Lovers
If you grew up in the ’90s, you’ve likely seen pixel art in old video games and other devices. It was a big deal back then and is making a comeback as a popular art form.
Creating pixel art is a meticulous process. You have to design each pixel to get the shading and details just right.
Luckily, there are artists who’ve made easy-to-follow tutorials to help you learn.
Our goal today is to give you a solid grasp of pixel art basics through these expert tutorials. They could help you create some of your most intricate art pieces.
Whether you’re a beginner or not, diving into pixel art can be a rewarding experience.
Ready to start? Check out our full list of tutorials below!
50 Beautiful and Creative Pixel Art
Pixel art, where images are created and edited at the pixel level, seems to be the trademark for... Read more
Shading Of A Rock
With this tutorial you will learn to draw something that you see often in your life, a rock! You will learn about structuration, shading and special highlighting techniques.
I believe from the look it’s not really easy to do, but once you get to draw it, it will be a big step forward to your pixel art mastery!

If you’re into the game development, learning to form the texture will be a critical need for you.
Developed by Kiwinuptuo, the tutorial won’t be teaching you to draw texture pixel by pixel, but it will uncover professional tips to enhance your textures into something that look more quality and realistic.

A great tutorial which not only brings you through the process of drawing a pixel tree, but also guides you to structure the tree correctly, and ultimately adding details until it becomes an epic pixel tree.

Human Sprite
Master the art of creating industry-standard human sprite by following this extensive tutorial written by Kiwinuptuo, who took a line art and transformed it into fantastic character sprite.

I found this tutorial inspiring as it’s not something regular that only teaches you about the colors, but explains the “Hue Change Rule” and the right ways of forming a color palette. Probably a worthy tutorial for even an artist!

Thoughts on Pixel Art
Creating pixel art involves manual shading, dithering, and anti-aliasing, which are challenging but rewarding. A big shoutout to skilled pixel artists for sharing their tips and keeping this art form alive!
If you find or create any amazing pixel art tutorials, please share them with us. Happy pixeling!