Tips to Grow Your Facebook Page Fans: 5 Effective Strategies

Almost every blog, site, or organization, whether online or offline, has a Facebook page. Why? First, nearly everyone has a Facebook account. Second, your industry peers are likely using it too—don’t be the only one without a Facebook fan page! Whether you use your page to update readers on the latest offers, articles, or promotions, or if your business primarily operates through Facebook, this guide is for you. For a more technical approach, check out our 10 Tips & Tricks for your Business’s Facebook Fan page.

Getting started can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you’ll see growth month after month. Remember, these tips aren’t necessarily easy to implement, but they can make a significant difference.

10 Facebook Business Page Tips

10 Facebook Business Page Tips

Your Facebook fan page is more powerful than you think. It can help boost revenue and brand awareness... Read more

Put Your Facebook Page Everywhere

Nowadays, having a Facebook Page is essential for engaging with potential customers. Think of it as setting up a shop on Facebook Street, where visitors (those who Like your page) are your next clients. It’s also a convenient way for people to contact you and for you to promote partners and relationships that can help your business or blog grow.

If you have a physical business, promote your Facebook page on your contact details, flyers, menus, brochures, business cards, products, and materials. Include your Facebook page in your email signature as well. Connect your personal profile with your Facebook page so everyone knows they can reach you or your page for your product or service. Also, use a custom URL for easier access.

Leverage Other Online Profiles

Don’t stop at business cards and email signatures. In this age of social media, most people have multiple social profiles. Use them to your advantage. Promote your Facebook page on your other social platforms. Add your blog or website URL to your Facebook ‘About me’ section and include social buttons on your website for visitors to Like, comment on, Share, and Recommend your content easily.

Maximize exposure for your page by promoting it wherever you leave comments. This spreads your presence across the blogosphere, forums, and connections outside social media platforms. Take every opportunity to link back to your Facebook page. Interested readers will check out your page and, if they like what they see, they’ll become fans.

Post Regularly and Effectively

Regular posting is key. Share-worthy content keeps your audience engaged. For instance, at, we share new articles on our Facebook page to remind readers to check out our latest content. This gives them a reason to become fans. Besides our own content like infographics, artworks, wallpapers, and tutorials, we also post interesting stuff we find on the Web.

Some suggest posting at different times to reach a global audience. Monitor your visitor activity to determine the best times to post. Understand what your fans enjoy and keep them coming back for more. However, don’t overdo it—posting too frequently can annoy your fans. You want them to engage with your page, not block you from their feed!

Maintain Interactivity

To keep fans active, you need to be active too. Engage with your fans by commenting, Liking, and Sharing. The more interaction, the more likely they will return to your page. Supportive fans will share your posts with their friends, potentially increasing your fan base. Post images and the latest news to keep your page lively. Breaking news on your page can attract attention, especially if shared with a photo that links back to your page.

Promotional campaigns can also boost engagement if you have the resources. Facebook Offers is a great tool, acting like electronic coupons. You can offer discounts to your Facebook fans, making them feel valued and appreciated.

Don’t Spam or Ignore Your Fans

Avoid tagging fans in product photos, posting offers on their walls, or forcing them to Like your page to access information. These tactics can drive them away. Also, don’t ignore your fans. Respond to their questions about your product or service. Appreciate their efforts to communicate with you and use these opportunities to engage personally. This courtesy can also attract potential partners.


As mentioned earlier, gaining more fans requires effort. Facebook offers a way to connect with your audience, but it’s not a guaranteed success. Consistently providing high-quality content or exceptional service will help retain your fans. Engage with your fans, as they expect no less from you.

Note: This post was first published on the May 26, 2012.
