Mastering Typography: Top 10 Tools and Resources You Need
In my previous article on Mastering Typography, I delved into the intricacies of type design and how it can elevate your website’s layout while enhancing the user experience. In this follow-up article, I’m excited to share 10 indispensable tools for web typography.
These tools are excellent for constructing HTML grids, crafting CSS styles, identifying fonts, and much more. Feel free to explore the resources listed below and share your thoughts in the comments section.
Mastering Typography: Top 10 Tools and Resources You Need
In my previous article on Mastering Typography, I delved into the intricacies of type design and how it... Read more
Font Matrix
This digital guide is brought to you by the 24ways design blog. It showcases a comprehensive table of standard web fonts, commonly found in software from vendors like Windows, Mac, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Creative Suite.

Colour Contrast Check
Struggling with color contrast? This tool is your savior. It helps you select harmonious color combinations, moving beyond the basic black-and-white scheme. A well-chosen color palette can make or break your design, and this tool aims to guide you towards the former.

Need more than just Lorem Ipsum text? HTML-Ipsum is here to help. This online generator produces HTML code blocks for various page elements, such as unordered lists, definition lists, web forms, tables, and many more.
Having trouble aligning ems with pixels? This in-browser app offers a conversion table and user interface for px to em conversions. It’s a straightforward yet invaluable tool, especially considering it’s free of charge.
Related: Understand Units in CSS

CSS Type Set
While CSS Type Set is an excellent starting point for beginners, it’s not recommended for long-term use. This tool generates CSS code based on the font properties you select. It’s a great time-saver for quick projects, but relying on it too much can hinder your growth in mastering CSS properties.

Flipping Typical
Flipping Typical is a unique font preview library that scans your Operating System’s native fonts. It offers web-safe options and allows you to compare fonts side-by-side. It’s a convenient tool to have bookmarked, especially when you’re in a time crunch.

Typographic Grid
Designing around a grid is a hot topic in HTML and CSS. This tutorial by CSS-Tricks serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding typography in the digital age. It covers advanced topics and is worth exploring if you’re willing to dive deep into how grid properties can impact your web design.

Ever stumbled upon a logo with an intriguing but unidentifiable font? WhatTheFont has been a go-to tool for years. Upload an image, and the tool will analyze the text to identify similar typefaces. It even provides links to external platforms where you can purchase the fonts.

Baseline/Line-Height Calculator
This is a robust tool for generating line-height and rhythm properties. Input your base font size and line-height, or add custom CSS code. The app previews various styles, giving you a sense of how these properties would look on your website.

Note: Typechart is currently unavailable.
If you’re a CSS developer like me, Typechart is a godsend. It saves time by allowing you to quickly browse through popular font families and even download the necessary CSS code for your project.