20 Before & After Photos of City Skylines Around The World
The speed and magnitude of a change in the skyline is representative of how rapid a city has changed through a a century or more. Others clock in development in just a few decades.
For instance, one of the most prominent changes to a city has got to be Dubai, which over the course of 20 years transformed itself from a desert to becoming the most heavily populated city in the United Arab Emirates.
In this post, we will look at the rapid growth, by way of skylines, of 20 cities from around the world to give you an idea of how the world has, is and will change through time. You might also be interested in the amazing skyscraper compilation we have, as well as a list of stunning futuristic skyscraper concepts we have.
100 Imaginative “Cities of the Future” Artworks
What the future might hold has long been a topic of speculation for artists and creative types. Trying... Read more
New York City, USA (1870 vs today)
Source: Source: DailyMail

Shanghai, China (1990 vs 2010)
Source: TheAtlantic

Long Beach California, USA (1953 vs 2009)
Source: JeffGritchen

Eiffel Tower, Paris (1900s vs today)
Source: FineArtAmerica & WallpaperUp

Panama City, Panama (1930s vs Present day)
Source: SkyscraperCity & MagnificTravel

Shenzen, China (1980 vs 2011)
Source: TwistedSifter

London, England (1900 vs Present Day)
Source: DailyMail

Toronto, Canada (1930s vs today)
Source: BlogTo & farzinphoto

Hong Kong (1920s vs 2000s)
Source: Hongwrong

Singapore (1990s vs Present day)
Source: AsianUrbanEpicentres

Bangkok, Thailand (1988 vs 2007)
Source: WebUrbanist

Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia (1930 vs present day)
Source: sydneysiders & wikipedia

Venice, Italy (1970 vs Today)
Source: fdmount & roughguides

Doha, Qatar (1977 vs 2010s)
Source: businessinsider

Dubai, UAE (1990 vs Present Day)
Source: Abdolian & worldpropertychannel

Tokyo, Japan (1945 vs 2011)
Source: bongorama & mediavida

Fortaleza, Brazil (1970s vs 2011)
Source: ourswift

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1990 vs today)
Source: adamroslan & tinmoi

Athens, Greece (1860 vs today)
Source: ourswift

Los Angeles, USA (1970s vs today)
Source: kcet & citydata