40+ Excellent 3D Effects Photoshop Tutorials
Comprehensive collection of high-quality 3D effects Photoshop tutorials.
Though there are many different kinds of photo manipulating software available, however, Adobe Photoshop still enjoys being the best. Photoshop has opened a world of possibilities for artists and designers. And one such possibility is creating 3D effects.
So my today’s post aims to provide you a comprehensive collection of high-quality 3D effects Photoshop tutorials. The list covers everything from 3D product design, text effects, poster art all that’s in between. Let’s check the list out.
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Photoshop is a great tool for designing a website but it is also very complicated. There are always... Read more
3D Text Effects
How to Create a 3D Marquee Bulb Sign
Read this article to get to know how to make a marquee bulb sign text using Adobe Photoshop. You will use layer styles, textures, images, and adjustment tools.

3D Mosaic Cork Text Effect
Use corck texture and apply it to the text to get this amazing 3D effect. The tutorial will guide you through the whole process.

Making 3D Text #3
Create this stunning typography with 3D effect in Adobe Photoshop. You will use Type Tool and Blending Options.

Making 3D Text #4
Here is a quick guide showing you the process of creating a nice globe in Photoshop.

Number Candles Text Effect
It’s hard to believe this image is not an actual photo of birthdays candles, but a 3D photo manipulation created in Photoshop. This is part one of this guide, you can find a link to the second part in a text.

How to Create Powerful, Fiery Text
This video tutorial is going to show you how to create a powerful 3d letters on fire.. You need basic Photoshop knowledge to replicate this technique.

3D Antique Metal Text Effect
You can create this beautiful text with words of love using a couple of textures and filters, and send to your loved one on Valentine’s day or just any day.

3D Chanel-Inspired Event Sign Text Effect
Look at these amazing shiny letters. You can create them using Photoshop 3D settings, a few textures and images.

3D Floaties Text Effect
In this tutorial you are going to use material settings, a few images, filters, and adjustments to create these cool 3d text popping out the waves.

Striped Road-Inspired Text Effect
In order to create this road-inspired text showing numbers ’20’ you need to apply Blending Modes, Brush Tool, and Pen Tool in Photoshop.

3D, Shiny, Inflated Text Effect
Look at these fantastic 3D shiny numbers created in Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to use Photoshop’s 3D tools and settings, as well as brushes and adjustment layers, to create a fun, shiny, inflated text effect.

3D Stuffed Letters Text Effect
These cool pillows in a form of letters on a sofa are not actual home accessories but a smart 3D text effect created through a couple of patterns and stock images. See the tutorial yourself.

Making 3D Text #2
This video guide is going to teach you how to apply this cool 3D effect to a text using Adobe Photoshop. You will use layer adjustments.

How to Create an Inflated 3D Frilly Text Effect
Use 3D tools, pattern fills, and adjustment layers to create this amazing frilly text effect in Photoshop.

Awesome 3D Lettering Design
Here is a beautiful vivid sign with 3D effect and huge pink backdrop. You can create the same sign after watching this video.

Making 3D Text #1
3D is a great solution when it comes to logo creation. You can use this video to learn how to apply 3D effect to a text.

Product Design
Frozen Ice Cubes 3D Effect
To achieve this amazing 3D effect in Photoshop you need to combine a paper image with an ice cube. Watch the video to be able to do the same.

Make an iPod Classic or the New Nano
You will be learning how to create an iPod classic but you can also use the same technique to make an iPod Nano.

Rendering a Striking Matchbox in Photoshop
This tutorial consists of creating a digital illustration in Photoshop of a box of matches.

Realistic Decorated Wine Bottle Illustration
How create a realistic bottle illustration and some shadow and cut techniques.

Make a Floating in Air USB Key Illustration
This tutorial tells you how to illustrate a USB key floating in the air and reflecting on a surface.

Shiny Photorealistic Apple Remote
Apple distinguishes itself in product design including its amazing Apple remote. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a shiny new Apple remote.

Detailed Compass Icon in Photoshop

Create a Super Shiny Pencil Icon
How to draw a pencil icon. We’ll have a look at gradients, selection tools, and basic transform operations.

Create a Realistic Wine Bottle Illustration From Scratch
This tutorial teaches you how to create a super realistic bottle of wine completely from scratch.

Create a Super Retro Style Game Controller

Realistic Blackberry Style Mobile Phone

Render a Dramatic 3D Wood Cup in Photoshop
How to create a 3D cup from scratch in Illustrator, apply some texture to it in Photoshop, and also how to use the Vanishing Point filter to mock-up a scenario and apply realistic shadows.

Make a Banginâ Woofer Embedded in Wood
How to illustrate a woofer and make a simple wood texture for the background.

Posters and Art
Easy Photoshop Red And Blue 3D Effect
In this tutorial, you’ll get to know how to add vintage red and blue retro effect to a male portrait. You can apply this effect to any other image.

How to Create 3D Pop-out Effect
Check out this video on YouTube to learn how to create a gorgeous 3D effect image with iphone, grass, a sheep, a dog, and nice light leak on a side.

Easy 3D Effect
This video guide covers the process of creating 3D effect using red, green, and blue channels. Use a black and white photo for it.

Create 3D Anaglyph Effect
This is a retro effect showing 3D. You can apply it to your images after reading this quick article.

3D Dispersion Effect Tutorial
This is a photo manipulation tutorial showing 3D dispersion effect. Use step-by-step video guide to achieve this effect too.

3D popup out of an ordinary photograph
Turn a usual sea picture into a 3D photo effect manipulation with this video. It looks like a page from kids pop-up book.

Making 3D manipulation
This video guide will walk you through the process of creating a fantastic scene with a man sitting on the iPhone in waves.

3D Planet Effect
Create a 3D effect planet with a girl watching this video guide. The video is quite long, but it’s totally worth it.

Quick Vintage 3D Effect
In this guide, you’ll see a step-by-step instructions on how to create vintage 3D effect. It was inspired by old 3D glasses.

3D Planet in Photoshop
For those who prefer creating their own space and planet wallpapers.

Colorful Mac Design
A useful tutorial that tells you how to design an awesome wallpaper with Mac logo.

Integrating 3D Elements Into Your Designs
This tutorial will cover some techniques to integrate 3D elements into your 2d designs.

Draw custom 3D arrows with Photoshop