Auto-Generate Beautiful Color Palettes with Ambiance
Note: Ambiance is no longer available.
Whether you’re a UI/UX designer or a digital artist, you should know that color is crucial to the final product.
But finding the right color scheme is tough and usually involves a lot of trial & error. With Ambiance, you can auto-generate color schemes right from the COLOURlovers API, all at the click of a button!
This free tool generates colors and lets you save your favorites right inside the web app. The “Ambiance Box” is your personal bookmarks folder where you can save color palettes that inspire your work.

On first page load, you’ll be presented with a single color palette. The circular arrow button on the left-hand side will generate a new color palette.
One click at a time, you can rotate through tons of amazing color schemes, all vetted by the COLOURlovers community. These color schemes have their own names and come with raw data for each color:
- HEX code
If you hover over any color boxes, you’ll see a copy button. Click that to copy the HEX code automatically and bring it into your design software of choice (or even CSS).
By clicking the name above the palette, you’ll be redirected to the COLOURlovers website. Here, you’ll find the full-color palette, along with more detailed information such as usage rights.
Most color palettes fall under Creative Commons, but it’s always good to check. Some require attribution, which seems almost impossible to judge or enforce, especially if you’re only using one or two colors instead of the whole palette.

In my opinion, the most useful part of Ambiance is the storage box. You don’t need any account since it all works through session cookies, so it’s much easier than joining the COLORlovers community.
Take a peek at the Ambiance homepage and see what you think. It probably won’t help much if you’re looking to generate specific color schemes based on certain colors. But for a tool to browse through random color sets, Ambiance is fun and well worth saving.