
Agus is a music enthusiast, backpacker and code writer. He has an ambition to build a Skynet on top of HTML and CSS.

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Enhance Your WordPress Site with Category and Tag Thumbnails

Enhancing your WordPress site by adding images next to categories or tags can make it more visually appealing. For instance, consider displaying the C…

10 Best Mobile Apps to Create Typography Easily

Ever scrolled through Instagram and wondered how people create those gorgeous text designs? Or maybe you’ve tried to make a poster or meme, only to …

15 Best YouTube Channels to Start Learning Web Development

Want to be a web developer but not sure where to start or which programming language to begin with? There are plenty of resources you can fall back on…

How to Create Skewed Edges With CSS

In this post, we’re going to look at how we can create a angled edge effect (horizontally) on a web page. Basically, it looks something like this: H…

10 WordPress Comments Plugins to Supercharge Comments

If you own a WordPress site, you must know of or are using the WordPress comments to engage with your readers. The default commenting system leaves a …

Detect Font Face Easily with Fontface Ninja

If you stumble onto a font that you want to adopt for your own use, the common way to find out info about that font is to use the Inspect Element opti…

Five Assistive Tech for People With Disabilities

Technology has always lent a helping hand for people with disabilities such as visual impairment, speech impairment, people with motion disabilities o…

30 Awesome SVG Animation For Your Inspiration

Designers used to create animations in HTML elements using CSS. However, due to the limitations of HTML elements in creating patterns, shapes, and oth…

10 Most Useful Atom Packages for Web Developers

Have you tried Atom? Although it is quite new, many have fallen in love with Atom, a text editor made by GitHub that allows you to manage GitHub proje…

10 Useful Image Tools Every Social Marketer Needs

If you work with social media a lot, you must know that every platform requires different dimensions for the photos you upload. These dimensions ensur…

9 Smart Gadgets and Devices for Your Home

Lately, more and more technologically advanced innovations are taking shape in handheld or mobile gadgets. Smartphones aren’t the only smart gadgets…