
Agus is a music enthusiast, backpacker and code writer. He has an ambition to build a Skynet on top of HTML and CSS.

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How to Add Keyboard Shortcuts to Your Website

Love keyboard shortcuts? They can help you save a lot of time, right? Would you like to add keyboard shortcuts to your own website, for the benefit of…

7 Drag And Drop Plugins For Building WordPress Sites

Drag-and-drop methods have gained popularity among non-technical users for arranging web layouts. This explains the success of platforms like Wix, Squ…

5 Alternatives to Photoshop for Web Design Prototyping

Photoshop is well-known among designers, and tools like CSS3Ps and FontAwesomePS have made it useful for making web design prototypes. However, it’s…

How to Create a Heart Shape with CSS

CSS3 has greatly expanded what we can achieve on websites using just HTML and CSS. You can explore remarkable examples we’ve previously highlighted.…

6 Ways to Align Content Vertically with CSS

Let’s discuss vertical alignment in CSS, or more accurately, how it’s not straightforward. CSS hasn’t provided an official method to center cont…

10 Lightweight Alternatives To Bootstrap & Foundation

Choosing the right framework that is the perfect fit for your projects could be a little bit overwhelming – there are a lot to choose from. Perhaps,…

7 Free eBooks To Learn AngularJS

So you’ve been following this Angular series (if you haven’t, start from the top here) and have come to a point where you are somewhat comfortable…

9 Mixin Libraries For Sass Designers Should Get

If you use Sass in your development workflow, you know the importance of mixins. When you see some things that are written repeatedly and tediously in…

4 CSS Tools to Audit and Optimize CSS Code

Once your website starts to grow, so will your code. As your code expands, CSS may suddenly become difficult to maintain, and you may end up overwriti…

10 WordPress Snippets For Theme Customizations

When you are using WordPress, it is extremely easy to change the look of your website, thanks to themes. There are lots (like a whole bunch) of WordPr…

4 WordPress Themes to Build Your Own Crowdfunding Website

Crowdfunding is a great way to get funding without the hassle and red tape delays. All you need to do is create your product, and play with your creat…

10 Simple & Smart CSS Snippets

CSS is the underlying language that gives websites its look. Although CSS is a straightforward language and easy to learn, it can be difficult to harn…