How to Separate Comments and Trackbacks [WordPress Tips]
Most wordpress themes out there (by default) combine both comments and trackbacks / pingbacks together and display under the same list. But why bother…
Most wordpress themes out there (by default) combine both comments and trackbacks / pingbacks together and display under the same list. But why bother…
Recently, a particular table in the WordPress database for became corrupted without any warning. The wp_comments table crashed unexpected…
Let’s face it, Flickr is kind of inconvenient when it comes to photo browsing. You type a keyword and hit search, Flickr by default returns results …
We usually don’t pay much attention to advertisement because in the end of the day, they are just trying to promote their products. However with som…
Here’s a quick heads up for those of you who encounter this error when you upgrade your wordpress (especially for those who upgrade to WordPress 2.3…
We use the "Remember Me" feature in most form logins to help the signing in process faster. But taking advantage of that sometimes makes us forget wha…
Rounded corners are something very cool for a Web 2.0 design. RoundPic is a site that help you to round up the corners of your image. You can either u…