Ashutosh KS

Ashutosh is a writer, entrepreneur, and a tech evangelist with expertise in the area of Computer Programming.

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10 Tips to Better Productivity With Evernote

Evernote is a great tool for easy synchronization of notes across multiple devices and various platforms. It’s used extensively to save, edit and sh…

Do Not Track (DNT): Stop Websites From Tracking You

Do Not Track (DNT) is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by third-party sites which users don’t visit. When …

3 Free Cloud Operating Systems to Try

Cloud Computing means Internet-based computing where your data and the software are present on the Web, and the application is used as a service rathe…

10 Essential Tips To Increase Android’s Performance

As with any other desktop or mobile operating system, the performance of your Android OS will start to diminish after you use it for some time. Mobile…

5 Alternative Ways to Download Online Videos

There are times when you enjoy an online video so much that you want to download it (provided it is legal to do so), or there is a specific video that…