Azzief Khaliq

Azzief is a writer for He is also a musician, Android user and all around nerd. He loves his tea and spends far too much time thinking about video games.

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Enhance Your Chrome Bookmarks With Dewey

Internet browsers have come a long way since the days of Netscape Navigator, but the way we browse and manage our bookmarks hasn’t really changed mu…

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly of Bitcoin Security

It’s safe to assume that Bitcoin is here to stay. Yes, it’s a bit volatile and yes, other cryptocurrencies are a lot easier to mine and a lot chea…

A Look Into: Biometric Technology

This article was first Published on: Feb 26, 2014. With increasingly more sensitive and personal information being stored on devices nowadays, biometr…

Easily Create Professional Graphics with Canva

Attracting readers to your blog or website with eye-catching graphics is key. However, creating professional-quality graphics can be a daunting task. …

5 Best Online Services to Sell Digital Products Effortlessly

These days, everyone can be a creator. Technology has democratized the creative process, and almost anyone can now sell creative products such as musi…

The Dash: Your All-in-One Fitness and Music Wireless Headphones

This article was first published on: Feb 13, 2014 If you’re someone who enjoys working out, you probably know that music is often a crucial part of …

Analysis Tools For Google+ Marketers – Best Of

This article was first published on: Feb 5, 2014. Google+ used to be seen as an Internet equivalent of a ghost town, with too few users to be useful a…

How to Hide Menu Bar on Secondary Displays in Mac

Having multiple displays is definitely quite useful for creative types and people who like to multitask. Mac OS X Mavericks changed the way Mac OS X h…

Why Are Teens Leaving Facebook? A Look at Social Media Trends

The topic of teens moving away from Facebook has been a hot discussion point for years. Reports on this trend have appeared in various media outlets l…

How to Stop Windows from Auto Restart to Install Updates

We’ve all been there before: you step away, leaving your PC on, and it restarts automatically without your permission. This is typically due to the …

Manage Your Group Work Online With Groupiful

While it’s often said that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself, there’s a lot of benefits to be had in working together wi…

Get Organized with Cyman Mark 3 – Virtual Assistant for Chrome

This article was first published on: Jan 23, 2014. If you’ve seen the Iron Man movies, you’re probably familiar with Tony Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. s…