Karrar Haider

For over six years, Karrar has been writing about everything Windows and Google with a strict focus on improving security and finding ways to get more out of our devices.

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10 Travel Gadgets That’ll Give You Peace of Mind

Traveling is great, but a single incident can turn it into a nightmare. Whether it’s getting robbed, pickpocketed, or losing your valuables, your fu…

8 Tracking Gadgets to Never Losing Your Belongings

Are you are one of those forgetful people who tend to lose their belongings often, or want to track your lost phone or get some hint on your stolen la…

10 Best Free Disk Space Analyzer for Windows

With the improvement in the quality of media files, games and software, our computer systems are becoming hungrier for more storage space with every p…

What’s rel=”noopener” in WordPress & How to Remove It

If you have upgraded to WordPress 4.7.4 version or newer, then you must have noticed a new tag rel="noopener" alongside the target="_blank" tag in the…

How to Find Wi-Fi Passwords in Android & iOS

WiFi is indispensable for a smartphone owner as almost every app needs internet to run. Probably that’s why people have such funny WiFi router names…

How to Find WiFi Passwords in Windows & MacOS

You may come across a situation when you want to share your WiFi with a guest but you’ve forgotten the password and it’s only saved on your comput…

10 Must-have Chrome Security Extensions

From managing tabs to increasing productivity, Chrome has a whole bunch of handy extensions to empower the user. For me, Chrome is the go-to browser t…

22 Ways to Contribute to Charities Without Spending a Dime

When you care about a social cause, you spend your time or money to help achieve it. However, not everyone has enough resources to spend on an endowme…

10 Best eBooks to Master Windows 10

As Windows 10 was a free upgrade, I, like most Windows users, impetuously upgraded to it. To my surprise, Windows 10 ships with many new features and …

Tools to Create Wedding Photo Slideshows – Best Of

Your wedding is one of the biggest events of your life, and you’ll want to keep its memories with you forever. To tell the story of your love, a pro…

10+ Common Windows Problems & How to Fix Them

Anyone who uses Windows can face a number of major and minor issues that come with it. The minor ones leave you annoyed, and negatively affect your pr…

5 Facebook Timeline Tips & Tricks You Should Know

Facebook Timeline’s new design was probably the biggest upgrade in Facebook’s history. The new design has many cool features and ensures you put t…