Karrar Haider

For over six years, Karrar has been writing about everything Windows and Google with a strict focus on improving security and finding ways to get more out of our devices.

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5 Best Mobile Apps to Earn Some Extra Income

Most apps require you to spend money, but did you know there are apps that could help earn money instead? That’s right, doing some simple tasks like…

22 Sites to Download Free Audio Books

Audiobooks are basically audio recordings of your favorite books narrated by a professional or a renowned celebrity. There are many advantages of an a…

Surviving a Dying Battery on Android, Part I

Short battery life is one of the biggest downfalls of Android phones, and there are times when you may not have access to a charging point when this d…

How to Customize Windows Startup Sound

In a previous post, I highlighted some ways with which you can manage the startup programs in Windows. But did you know that you can customize Windows…

5 Apps to Monitor Mobile Data Usage

It’s always a good idea to keep track of your mobile data usage so you can avoid exceeding your data usage quota. Among the two main mobile operatin…

How to Customize Windows Context Menu

Windows context menu refers to the menu that appears with right-click in a Windows PC, and a regular Windows user gets in touch with it on daily basis…

How to Fix Slow WiFi Connection

Slow WiFi speed can be really confusing, rather downright annoying, as there is no single answer to fix it. There are numerous reasons why your WiFi m…

How to Connect Keyboard to Android

Touch typing might be fun, but your options are still a bit limited as compared to typing on a physical keyboard – the one we use with PC. But wait,…

How to Boost Internet Speed with Command Prompt

Slow internet speed is a never-ending issue that plagues internet users every now and then. Sometimes it’s an issue with network configuration, othe…

RAM Cleaning Tools For Windows – Do They Really Work?

If you don’t have "enough" RAM in your PC, then you must have tried (or thought of trying) a RAM cleaning tool that promises to quickly "free up" RA…

20 Google Maps Tips and Tricks You Should Know

Google Maps does more than just routing current location to destination. Here's 21 more things it can do.

20 Places to Sell and Publish eBooks

“If you are good at something, never do it for free” is the most famous dialogue from movie The Dark Knight – and something I completely believe…