
Rean is an operations specialist, growth hacker, and a consultant specializing in remote team setup and management.

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28 World’s Coolest Libraries

Any avid reader will tell you that it is a dream of theirs to have a private library at home. To be able to store and access our favorite books and no…

25 Mind-Boggling Sculptures that Defy The Laws of Physics

The purpose of art is to make the comfortable uncomfortable, and the uncomfortable comfortable – We challenge concepts that we are used to, yet find…

The Impact of Trolling on Online Civility

Public behavior is often shaped by societal norms that dictate what is considered polite and acceptable. In real-life interactions, we generally avoid…

Understanding Artificial Intelligence – and Why We Fear It

Whether we admit it or not, we have a serious fixation with trying to create machines that can think for themselves – machines imbued with artificia…

Are Video Games Doing More Harm Than Good?

Games have taken the world of entertainment by storm. What used to be a pastime for geeks and nerds in the early 90’s has now surpassed Hollywood mo…

How a Full-Blown Cyberwarfare Can Change the World

The internet is a beautiful thing. It has no boundaries and the only limitation it has is the imagination of its users. New cultures have been born be…

10 Projects Showing Google Has The Future Figured Out

Have a question? Ask Google. You can say that Google is the best search engine out there and no one would even argue with you. But Google isn’t just…

50 Beautiful Astrophotography Photos

The Earth is a beautiful place; the Universe, spectacular. Nothing could make whatever problems and worries you have, seem, and feel less significant …

How to Boost Your Local Business SEO (7 Tips)

Search Engine Optimization is an intricate, methodical, and important element of any online business, or any corporate entity for that matter. Without…

A Crash Course on The Internet of Things (IoT)

Picture a world where everything is not only interconnected but also automated. Imagine a pet collar that not only tracks your dog’s location but al…

The Reality of Life as a Digital Nomad

Over the years, with the rise of online communication, a new breed of professionals has emerged: the “digital nomad.” Digital nomads are individua…

How Happiness Can Boost Your Business

All businesses build their companies on foundations known as core values. These foundations represent what they stand for, both for their clients and …