Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

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Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (September 2017)

There are a number of open-source companies joining together to provide useful web resources and tools for everyone to use for free. This is what make…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (August 2017)

There are a number of open-source companies joining together to provide useful web resources and tools for everyone to use for free. This is what make…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (July 2017)

Time flies, and we are now in the middle of 2017. In this month’s installment, we have an array of great JavaScript libraries and a few others, like…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (May 2017)

A collection of useful web resources is something that a web developer really looks forward to have in his toolkit. Therefore, being a developer mysel…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (April 2017)

Since the beginning of the year 2017, a lot has changed in the world of web development, with new apps and resources coming every other day. Keeping u…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (March 2017)

With CLI (Command Line Interface) we’re able to streamline and automate web development workflows. And that’s why in this installment we’ve incl…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (February 2017)

The Fresh Resouces for Web Developers series has run for around 4 years now, and maintaining this series has greatly given me insight on how the web p…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (January 2017)

This series has come a long way through which we have witnessed web development tools come and go; one time they shine, a few months later they are ma…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (December 2016)

We are nearing the end of 2016, and it has been a thrilling year for many including the web developers. This year, ReactJS’s popularity soared up ex…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (November 2016)

Back for more fresh resources? This round includes a few more tools for developers, a book on how to maintain CSS for large-scale organizations, two d…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (October 2016)

PHP7 was released with an exciting new feature: speed. And we have seen a growing number of new or improved PHP libraries released in the web develope…

How to Toughen Up WordPress Login Security

No matter the size of your website, losing your site data or not being able to access your own website can be a nerve-wracking experience. WordPress, …