Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

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Optimize Web Development with Symbolic Links and Apache Alias

Today, many web developers work remotely. We have access to numerous collaboration tools and file-sharing applications like Dropbox. However, a common…

How to Add CSS3 Border Radius Support in IE8 and Earlier Versions

CSS3 allows us to create rounded corners using the border-radius property. However, this feature is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and ear…

Building Static Sites with Kit and LESS – Part I

In this post, we are going to walk you through a project. In the project, we will create a static HTML website, and we will be using Kit Language for …

Koala App: A Cross-platform App for Modern Web Development

In the days of Netscape and Internet Explorer 6, most web developers only wrote web documents in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Today, we have plent…

A Look Into: Internet Explorer 11 DevTools

The Internet Explorer in-browser Developer Tools (IE DevTools) has long been lacking several critical functionalities for debugging, making it nearly …

5 Reasons Why I Don’t Install WordPress Plugins

… well not ALL WordPress plugins, just the bad ones. Like every other tool out there, there are some plugins that work for you, e.g. for creating co…

A Look Into Atom: Github’s New Code Editor

Github, a popular git repository that hosts a ton of open source projects, has recently announced a new code editor called Atom which shook the “cod…

How to Create WordPress Custom Fields The Easy Way

WordPress provides the essential fields that allow us to publish posts and pages. A few of these fields include the Content Editor, Category Options, …

Find and Install WordPress Plugins via Github

WordPress plugins are “officially” distributed through the WordPress-owned plugin repository. You can search for any kind of plugin to add extra f…

Let’s Talk About Mobile Emulation in Google Chrome

Mobile emulation is a powerful feature built right into Google Chrome. If you’re a web developer, QA tester, or digital marketer, it’s something y…

What’s New In Codekit 2

Codekit 2 was released a few weeks ago, and as expected, there are some big changes in this new version. For those of you who’ve just heard of it, C…