Optimize Web Development with Symbolic Links and Apache Alias
Today, many web developers work remotely. We have access to numerous collaboration tools and file-sharing applications like Dropbox. However, a common…
Today, many web developers work remotely. We have access to numerous collaboration tools and file-sharing applications like Dropbox. However, a common…
Note: This post was first published on Apr 4, 2014. We have covered CSS3 Box Sizing in a previous article. Box Sizing, with the value of border-box, a…
CSS3 allows us to create rounded corners using the border-radius property. However, this feature is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and ear…
In this post, we are going to walk you through a project. In the project, we will create a static HTML website, and we will be using Kit Language for …
In the days of Netscape and Internet Explorer 6, most web developers only wrote web documents in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Today, we have plent…
The Internet Explorer in-browser Developer Tools (IE DevTools) has long been lacking several critical functionalities for debugging, making it nearly …
… well not ALL WordPress plugins, just the bad ones. Like every other tool out there, there are some plugins that work for you, e.g. for creating co…
Github, a popular git repository that hosts a ton of open source projects, has recently announced a new code editor called Atom which shook the “cod…
WordPress provides the essential fields that allow us to publish posts and pages. A few of these fields include the Content Editor, Category Options, …
WordPress plugins are “officially” distributed through the WordPress-owned plugin repository. You can search for any kind of plugin to add extra f…
Mobile emulation is a powerful feature built right into Google Chrome. If you’re a web developer, QA tester, or digital marketer, it’s something y…
Codekit 2 was released a few weeks ago, and as expected, there are some big changes in this new version. For those of you who’ve just heard of it, C…