Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

Latest posts

Create a Swipe-Enabled Slider with jQuery (Step-by-Step Guide)

Image/Content Slider is one of the common components we find in a website. It is quite simple to create one with jQuery. In fact; we have discussed it…

WordPress Tips: Displaying Author Lists with Pagination

In brief, the template tag is a simple way of querying information from the database and displaying it at the front side of your website. For example,…

Customizing Browser Scroll Bar With CSS / jQuery

Windows, OS X and Linux have their own style for the scroll bar as you can see in the following screenshot. This in return could lead to undesired res…

Adding CSS Vendor Prefix Automatically with Sublime Text

There are many CSS3 properties that are still experimental. An experimental CSS property uses vendor prefix, and as we already know, each browser has …

How to Auto-Compile LESS into CSS

We have discussed LESS CSS a few times in our previous posts. If you have been following our LESS post series, you should know that we have to compile…

A Beginner’s Guide to jQuery Selectors

As you may already know, CSS3 introduced a set of new selectors that allow us to select elements in the document with less HTML class addition. But, t…

Exploring WebP, The Image Format for the Web

Traditionally, JPEG and PNG have dominated web imagery. However, the advent of high-definition screens has forced web designers to rethink these forma…

Automatic Numbering with CSS Counter

We have covered a lot of cool CSS3 capabilities – from Color Gradients, Transtions, and Animation. Actually, there are also several properties in CS…

Detecting Touch Screen Capability with Modernizr

I’m fascinated by the evolution of mobile phones over the years. Today, not only are mobile phones equipped with touch screens, but they also offer …

Create Interactive HTML5 Ads with Google Web Designer

If you follow Google’s development close enough, you probably know about this but if you don’t, the giant search engine company has recently launc…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (October 2013)

Ladies and gents, our fresh resources compilation has reached its first year! And I’m really excited for this round as we have put together some rea…

Building a Mobile Panel with jQuery Mobile

In terms of screen size, mobile devices have smaller screens than a PC monitor. When viewing webpages or apps, there are some elements that are transl…