Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

Latest posts

Collaborate On Design Projects Remotely with GoVisually

Remote collaboration via email is a pain. It takes time and choosing between Reply and Reply All is sometimes so complicated that some won’t be able…

How to Achieve Equal Column Heights Using CSS

Traditionally, websites feature a main content area and a sidebar. Often, the main content is longer than the sidebar, resulting in uneven column heig…

Using Encoded Image in CSS (background-image)

As designers, effortlessly integrating background images via CSS might seem elementary. Traditionally, we employ the background-image property, linkin…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (April 2013)

We are already in the second quarter of the year. While some people might fool you with jokes, we will share goodness instead, especially for designer…

3 Free Web Font Services Compared

All these years, websites are restricted to typical fonts such as Arial, Georgia, Times and so on. This is due to the limitations of browsers, which a…

Sticky Position (Bar) with CSS or jQuery

The idea of ‘sticky position’ is to make elements on a website stick and remain visible. Those elements will initially be in their position, and t…

How to Create A Web-based Video Player

In our previous post, we covered a tutorial on how to create an Audio Web Player, as well as how to customize its player skin. This time we are going …

Web Design: Drag and Drop with jQuery UI Sortable

We have covered how to give custom style to jQuery UI, starting from the UI Accordion, UI Slider and the UI Date Picker. Today we will continue our ex…

Practical Approach to Choosing Website Color Scheme

Imagine a world without colors; that world would be such a boring place, right? This applies to websites without colors. Yet, deciding colors for webs…

Working with Bootstrap Plugin: Modal Window

Bootstrap has gained a lot popularity among web designers and developers, in this site BuiltWithBootstrap you can see that there are many sites that h…

Mastering Clipping and Masking Techniques with CSS

Masking in image editing is a method of “hiding” a portion of an object based on another object. This method has long been available in image edit…

A Guide to Using the Autocompletetype Attribute in HTML Forms

Most websites have an online form for various purposes – user registration, taking orders, ticket booking, to name a few. Yet, filling in those form…