Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

Latest posts

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (January 2013)

Time flies! We’re already in a new month, a new year. And a new year calls for a new batch of resources Here is the latest round up of great resourc…

Understanding HTML5 Shiv and Polyfills

Updates: Loading Polyfills is no longer a common practice to provide compatibility. You will find that a few of these repository linked on this articl…

Guide to: Using Transparency (Opacity) In Web Design

Note: This post was first published on the 7th Jan, 2013. Transparency is an effect that allows us to see what is underneath. In design, transparency …

HTML5 Basic Elements: Header, Nav, and Footer

HTML5 is still evolving, yet some of its new elements are ready to use today and are supported in both current and older browsers (with the help of a …

A Look Into: Essential Firefox Tools For Web Developers

Firefox stands out as a top choice for web developers, thanks to its array of useful extensions designed to simplify the development process. In this …

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (December 2012)

We are already in December; time seems to be running too fast, right? Much like the previous few months, we are going to feature some useful resources…

CSS3 Image Reflection Techniques

Up until now, we’ve explored numerous fresh features introduced by CSS3. But, there’s more to CSS3 than meets the eye, including several propertie…

Mastering CSS3 Repeating Gradients

Many CSS3 features revolutionize how we design websites, and one standout feature is CSS3 Gradients. Before CSS3, creating gradient effects meant usin…

How to Edit Web Content with HTML5’s Contenteditable Attribute

One of the new features in HTML5 is the native front-end editor. This feature is commonly used in Content Management Systems, allowing content to be e…

A Look into: HTML5 Placeholder Attribute

One of my favorite new pieces in HTML5 is the ability to add Placeholder Text easily. The placeholder text is the grey text that you find in an input …

CSS Dropcaps Using :first-line and :first-letter

Some CSS selectors or properties may not be commonly seen in everyday web design, yet they’ve been around since the CSS1 era. These include the :fir…

Creating an Interactive Online vCard Using Sass & Compass

Today, we’re going to continue our discussion on Sass. This time, we’ll take a practical approach and build an online vCard using Sass along with …