Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

Latest posts

Working with Text Elements in SVG for Dynamic Designs

In previous posts, we’ve explored how to use SVG to create shapes. In this article, we will focus on creating and styling text with SVG. SVG text of…

How to Style SVG Images with CSS: A Simple Guide

Today, we’re diving deeper into Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). As mentioned in our previous post, one of the great things about SVG is that you can…

A Look into: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Vector graphics have been widely applied in print media. In a website, we can also add vector graphics with SVG or Scalable Vector Graphic. Citing fro…

How to Apply CSS Filter Effects to Web Images

Adjusting image Brightness and Contrast, or turning image into Grayscale or Sephia is a common feature you may find in image editing application, like…

How to Convert Old CSS to LESS

We have covered much of the basics for LESS in our previous posts. If you have been following our LESS series, we believe that at this point you alrea…

Understanding CSS3 Circular and Elliptical Gradients

Today we are going to continue our discussion on CSS3 Gradients. In the previous post we’ve showed you how to create Linear Gradients. This time we …

Exploring HTML5 Form Input Types: Date, Color, and Range

Forms are ubiquitous across websites, serving as critical tools for user interaction. From logging into platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google t…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (October 2012)

Each month, the web design and development community generously shares a wealth of free resources. It can be overwhelming to keep track of all these n…

Create Multiple Columns Layout (Magazine-alike) With CSS3

In general, people will lose track when reading extremely long content. That is why, in print media like magazines and newspapers, the content is divi…

HTML5 Tutorial: Login Page with HTML5 Forms

HTML5 brings many features and improvements to web forms, there are new attributes and input types that were introduced mainly to make the lives of we…

How to Customize and Theme the jQuery UI Datepicker

jQuery UI is very user-friendly and is popular on many websites needing interactive features. In this post, we’ll explore one of its features, the D…

Effective Tips and Tools for Working with LESS

In our previous tutorial on using LESS to design a navigation bar, we explored the practical use of LESS for code compiling. This time, we’ll cover …