This Converting App is All You’ll Ever Need
Converting information from one form to another can be a pain, particularly when it comes to measurements of any sort. While it is entirely possible to convert said information using good old Google, there is no denying that the process itself can be rather slow.
Thankfully, Android users need not use such arcane methods as there is an app called Awesome Converter that lets you do all the necessary conversions in a single app.
As far as apps go, Awesome Converter is a pretty straightforward to use. All you have to do is select the information that you wish to convert, input the information in the app, and the app would immediately calculate the results.
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The conversions that the app is able to pull off are mighty impressive too, as the app can convert weights, lengths, temperatures, currency and many others as well. The currency converter function is a particular favourite of mine, as it showcases all of the major currencies in the world.

If I were to find a shortcoming of the app, it would have to be in the way the app presents its information. The amount of information displayed during a single conversion can be overwhelming, particularly if you’re converting measurement units or currencies.
Minor gripes aside, Awesome Converter is very much a must have for your phone.

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