Bestfolios – A Gallery of Amazing Design Portfolio Sites
A website that showcases the best design portfolio sites ranging from product design and graphic design to motion graphics.
If you do any type of design work then an impressive portfolio site is one of your most important needs. And the first step to designing your own site is studying other sites for ideas.
These little design ideas may seem insignificant at first. But when you piece them all together you’ll start to see a bigger picture for your personal portfolio website.
Finding quality portfolios and gathering ideas takes time. However, with Bestfolios you can shave down the time spent searching and dig into some great-looking sites right away.
Read Also: 30 Web Design Portfolios That Impress Clients

The Bestfolios site is much like other inspiration galleries, but with a twist. This site focuses only on designer portfolios, many of which feature designers who work at major companies like Google and Facebook.
In fact, if you check out the collections page you can browse through portfolios based on curated topics like specific tech companies. Right now the collections are small but I’m hoping the site will add a lot more in the near future.
From the main page you can sort by 3 types of portfolios:
- UX/product design.
- Graphic design.
- Motion graphics.

Each portfolio is also tagged with certain design features like if they include case studies, visual artwork, or follow certain design trends like minimalism.
I’ve found this gallery immensely valuable for picking out some awesome portfolio ideas.
Most websites are built on top of other ideas and they usually hinge on a great design. So use this inspiration gallery to your advantage and be sure to save any portfolios that really grab your attention.