Latest in: Blogging

You might think that blogging is mostly about writing good content. However, there is so much more happening in the background too: you will have to market your posts, make your content share-worthy, have a healthy understanding about SEO, current trends, and your loyal readers, how to fish for more comments and in some cases guest blog.

And after it all, why not group all your penned thoughts into an ebook or printed book? You know you want to.

Mastering Blogger Networking: Messages that Get Noticed (Part 6)

The previous part of the series was all about email and various aspects of it. How long an email should be. What a good subject line is. Finally, what…

10 SEO Mistakes All Bloggers Should Avoid

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital to any successful blogging campaign. Therefore it should be implemented in the right manner. SEO itself is q…

Mastering Blogger Networking: First Impressions (Part 5)

In the previous installment of this series, we explored the reality that not all messages capture the recipient’s attention. Many messages go unnoti…

Mastering Blogger Networking: Approaching People (Part 4)

Approaching someone new is often quite a scary thing to do. No matter if you’re about to do it at a party, on a bus, or online – via email. We alw…

Smart Networking for Bloggers: Choose Your Connections Wisely (Part 3)

I’m sure you can relate to this and agree that selecting the right people to reach out to is the most important step on your way to success (whateve…

Bloggers’ Networking Guide: Setting Goals & Rules (Part 2)

For me, there are two things that should be considered as the starting point of a well thought out networking strategy. The headline of this post give…

7 Splendid Techniques to Encourage Comments on Your Blog

One of the best ways to gauge the health of your blog readership is to check out how many comments you have for your posts. More comments mean that yo…

Networking Guide for Bloggers: Why It Is Important (Part 1)

In today’s blogosphere a lot of discussions are going on about various aspects of positioning and growing a blog. Even though space gets more and mo…

6 Essential Tips for Bloggers to Learn from Journalism

The debate about whether bloggers can be considered journalists continues in this digital age. Modern technology allows anyone with internet access an…

How to Counter Writer’s Block (22 Ways)

If all of a sudden, your blog feels like a dog pulling at your heels, demanding attention that you’re unable to give, and all your research zeal is …

Google Panda: 5 Tips You Should Know

It’s here. It’s inevitable. It’s called Google Panda, the latest Google search algorithm which aims to promote high-quality content site by doom…

How to Run Blogs That I.N.S.P.I.R.E

When it comes to blogging, readers are the blogger’s customer base, because its very survival depends on a stable readership. Unless your blog only …
