Latest in: Coding

If coding is the future, then you should get a head start here. We believe that age, gender, and background should not limit one's ability to learn to code. That's why we offer numerous posts on online resources, ebooks, environments, testing tools, and playgrounds to assist readers in acquiring programming skills.

We also have articles that delve into mobile app development, software development, open source, and web programming.

How to Get Goodreads Ratings via API

For book lovers who have a liking for a specific genre, they will probably check out a friend’s recommendation than follow any bestseller list. This…

How to Display Timed Transcript Alongside Played Audio

Audio transcript is the text version of speech, helpful in providing useful materials like recorded lectures, seminars, etc. to the audibly challenged…

How to Display W3C Specification data using its Web API

The Emmy® award winning W3C is an international standards organization for the World Wide Web. It creates new web standards and revises them constant…

ECMAScript 6 – 10 Awesome New Features

Did you know that JavaScript (along with JScript and ActionScript) is an implementation of a general-purpose client-side scripting language specificat…

Create Your Own Advent Calendar with JavaScript

Advent marks a period of anticipation leading up to Christmas, starting four Sundays before December 25. Traditionally, this time is tracked using an …

How to Create Skewed Edges With CSS

In this post, we’re going to look at how we can create a angled edge effect (horizontally) on a web page. Basically, it looks something like this: H…

10 (More) CSS Tricks You Probably Overlooked

There are plenty of CSS snippets that web developers can use to achieve certain results, and then there are CSS tricks that you can use for things lik…

Introduction to MathML – The Markup Language for Math

MathML is a markup language that can be used to display mathematical notations. You can use MathML tags directly from HTML5. It is useful for when you…

PHP 7: 10 Things You Need to Know

Discover the benefits and improvements of PHP7 for your web development projects. Upgrade your skills and stay ahead of the game.

30 Awesome SVG Animation For Your Inspiration

Designers used to create animations in HTML elements using CSS. However, due to the limitations of HTML elements in creating patterns, shapes, and oth…

JavaScript Functions

JavaScript functions are capable of more than just merely enclosing a bunch of codes while waiting for the call to execute. Functions have evolved ove…

Testing SVG Support Across Web Browser Engines (Case Study)

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is officially supported by all main web browsers, including Internet Explorer. The support spans into a wide variety of…
