Calculating Percentage Margins in CSS
Most web designers think they know CSS pretty well. After all, there isn’t that much to it — a few selector types, a few dozen properties, and som…
If coding is the future, then you should get a head start here. We believe that age, gender, and background should not limit one's ability to learn to code. That's why we offer numerous posts on online resources, ebooks, environments, testing tools, and playgrounds to assist readers in acquiring programming skills.
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Most web designers think they know CSS pretty well. After all, there isn’t that much to it — a few selector types, a few dozen properties, and som…
At the moment there are a total of 142 HTML elements standardized by W3C excluding the ones in the initial phases of standardization and those that we…
A step-by-step guide on how to create a simple Google Chrome extension from scratch.
I still remember in the early 2000s when playing rich media (audio and video) online came with a lot of constraints. It’s easy to take the beginning…
A lot happens between the first HTTP request and the final delivery of a web page. Data transmission and the browser’s rendering pipeline require a …
A while ago Thoriq Firdaus wrote a great article about getting started with Sass which showed you how to install and use this highly useful CSS prepro…
If you have been programming with Objective-C, learning Swift would be a breeze as it has inherited a number of syntax that you may already have been …
Unit takes an important role for measuring and building things like a house, a bridge or a tower, and building a website is not an exception. There ar…
Using a button is, so far, the preferred way to interact with an electronic stuff; such as the radio, TV, music player, and even a smartphone that has…
There are so many programming languages we can learn to develop many things such as the website, mobile application, and operating or embedded system.…
A truly open and inclusive web needs technologies that allow disabled users relying on assistive technologies to enjoy dynamic web content and modern …
CSS "Floats" (floating elements) are simple to use but once used, the effect it has on the elements around it sometimes get unpredictable. If you have…