Latest in: Coding

If coding is the future, then you should get a head start here. We believe that age, gender, and background should not limit one's ability to learn to code. That's why we offer numerous posts on online resources, ebooks, environments, testing tools, and playgrounds to assist readers in acquiring programming skills.

We also have articles that delve into mobile app development, software development, open source, and web programming.

How to Stream Truncated Audio Using MediaSource API

With the MediaSource API, you can generate and configure media streams right in the browser. It allows you to perform a variety of operations on media…

How to Play Animated GIFs onClick

The Animated GIF is a popular way to visualize a design concept (here’s an example of how we did it for the post text effects created with CSS) or s…

Getting Started With Gulp.js

Gulp is a tool which allows you to automate bits of your workflow which can literally save you hours a day. Whether you’re a developer or a designer…

Introduction to Utility-first CSS for Web Developer

CSS is an easy language to learn (and to implement) for creating a beautiful website. However, when it comes to implementing CSS at scale, it’s not …

Specifying Document Base URL With HTML <base> Element

Websites are built with a series of links, pointing to pages and sources like images and stylesheets. There are two ways to specify the URL that links…

A look Into: The Kit Language

Let’s say you were building prototypes for a website with HTML files. You have about 10 HTML pages or so, and these pages share some common componen…

20 Cool Stuff Built Using CSS

Contrary to popular belief, CSS is not only used to provide basic style for a web page in order to make it look more attractive. There are plenty of o…

CSS Terminologies Explained

Brush up on your CSS knowledge with this guide to terminology. From selectors to specificity, learn the basics of CSS and improve your web design skil…

Creating Animated Favicon with JavaScript

Favicons are a crucial part of online branding, they give a visual cue to users, and help them distinguish your site from others. Although most favico…

Create Gmail logo with CSS3

A while ago I showed you how to create RSS feed logo with CSS3. I figured it’d be fun creating something a little bit more complex. In today’s pos…

An Introduction to Headless CMS

A headless CMS is a content management system (CMS) that’s separated from the front-end. In other words, it’s a CMS that provides only content thr…

10 Hidden CSS3 Properties to Know

CSS3 has made designing the web more exciting with the introduction of new properties. While you might know of the popular ones, such as the box-shado…
