Latest in: Web Design

In this section, we offer tutorials and tips for CSS3 and HTML5, showcase designer tools, highlight powerful jQuery and JavaScript libraries, and present stunning works from talented designers for appreciation and inspiration.

If you're new to the design realm, you'll appreciate articles that address pertinent topics for designers, such as collaboration, client-freelancer dynamics, handling criticism, self-development tips, and more.

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (August 2020)

While we tended to focus our list on specific fields in the previous installment of this series, our list for today will be more diverse. In fact, weâ…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (July 2020)

At the time of this writing, Google has just completed live webinar. A 3-day event featuring the latest of web development, performance, and t…

Create Animation in CSS Easily with Animate.css

CSS has improved with many features which make web development much more interesting and challenging. One of these features is CSS3 animation effects.…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (June 2020)

PHP turns 25 this month, and the alpha-stage of PHP 8 will be released this year. PHP was once developed as merely a tool to create a “Personal Home…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (May 2020)

If you’re a web designer or developer and want to make the most of your spare time, take a look at this round of Fresh Resources series. In this lis…

This Website Shows You Web Design Trends From The Past

We often forget just how primitive the web used to be. Dating back to the late 90s and early 2000s people were just getting online, and even then many…

10 Programming Habits Developers Should Adopt

These outcomes can bring down our confidence but in fact, they can be solved with proper development practices. Here are 10 worthy habits to invest in…

HTML5 <article> and <section> Elements

HTML5 comes with a bunch of new elements with more to be recommended in the future. However, there are some elements that might be a little confusing …

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (April 2020)

Despite the doom and gloom due to the virus (COVID-19) spread, it’s not stopping us to share fresh resources and tools with our fellow Web Developer…

Create Beautiful Progress Bar For Website with Pace.js

For some users, a progress bar can be a very useful thing. It informs them of how much closer they are to completing tasks. Normally, this is used to …

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (March 2020)

It’s time again for us to share fresh resources with our fellow web developers. In this round, we’ve got some great new tools from big names in th…
