Latest in: Web Design

In this section, we offer tutorials and tips for CSS3 and HTML5, showcase designer tools, highlight powerful jQuery and JavaScript libraries, and present stunning works from talented designers for appreciation and inspiration.

If you're new to the design realm, you'll appreciate articles that address pertinent topics for designers, such as collaboration, client-freelancer dynamics, handling criticism, self-development tips, and more.

Dynamic Truncated Text with Shave.js Plugin

Most WordPress blogs use the "read more" feature to show preview text from a post. This text is truncated and cut off at a certain point to save space…

Bulma: The Ultimate Flexbox CSS Framework

Flexbox is a hot topic for frontend developers since it offers a modern approach to CSS alignments. Most website layouts rely on CSS floats or fixed p…

Add Emoji Support To Your Website With Emoji CSS

Emojis have taken over digital conversations and these cute little icons quickly permeated Internet culture with a bang. They’re now an everyday par…

Vectr Offers Free Graphics Editor for Browser & Desktop

How many times have you wanted to whip up a quick vector icon or simple interface design? This is much easier with a program like Sketch, but all good…

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals For Designers (2016)

Black Friday is bargain time! It’s especially great for designers, because there isn’t the need to stand in line to wait for the store to open. Yo…

CSS Post-Processors For Beginners: Tips and Resources

CSS pre-processing is a concept that most web developers have already learned or read about. We’ve covered CSS preprocessing in great detail to help…

Small Business Web Design for Service Industries: A Guide

Small businesses are the engines of local economies, all of them with their own unique client base and goals. Designing websites for them requires spe…

10 Examples of Pre-Built Websites for Tech Put to Good Work

Disclaimer: This branded content is from BeTheme WordPress & WooCommerce Theme, originally published on 18/10/2016. If you’ve had the opportunity to…

How to Plan Content Arrangement For Responsive Design

In a recent post, I discussed how visual content relates to layout design. However, this subject is very detailed and splinters off into many sub-topi…

20 Examples of Vertical Split-Screen Layout in Web Design

A split-screen layout is in use when full-screen elements are divided into two or more vertical parts. Despite the fact that such kind of website layo…
