Latest in: Web Design

In this section, we offer tutorials and tips for CSS3 and HTML5, showcase designer tools, highlight powerful jQuery and JavaScript libraries, and present stunning works from talented designers for appreciation and inspiration.

If you're new to the design realm, you'll appreciate articles that address pertinent topics for designers, such as collaboration, client-freelancer dynamics, handling criticism, self-development tips, and more.

How to Master Microcopy for Web Designers

Content-writing makes up the vast majority of all websites because it’s the easiest content to produce and consume. The style of writing is a big fa…

Pre-Built Website Templates Can Be Cool & Trendy Too

Most web designers are self-taught. If you fit into this category, you no doubt put forth an effort to keep up with the latest trends in web design.

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (June 2016)

We’re expanding the list for the mid-year edition. This installment features a few CLIs (and here are our post on why you should learn command line)…

How to Customize Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code, Microsoft’s new open-source code editor provides developers with many awesome features that significantly facilitate the process…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (May 2016)

It’s time for us to share another awesome list of resources for our fellow web developers. Last time we featured a number of references, apps, and a…

15 Online Typography Tools For Web Designers and Developers

Typography is the foundation of any design, because reading is one of the most basic things we do on the web. The typography you choose have an impact…

10 Conversion Services For Designers and Developers

If you are a typical web designer, you naturally leave the coding to someone else, either because you have no choice, or you do not have the time or e…

Unconventional Japanese Website Design and Why It Works

Japan, home to gorgeous aesthetics and the forerunner of minimalism; from fashion to architecture, they seem to have it all figured out. I am particul…

40 Stunning Illustrated Websites for Inspiration

Illustrations add character and liveliness to your site. Colors, caricatures and creativity translated into bold illustrations can change a user’s i…

20 Web Design Concepts That’ll Blow Your Mind

Creating an effective and exciting experience is a crucial part of the success of any website design. With HTML5 it is now possible to add dynamic int…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (March 2016)

In our last instalment we focused on the various Javascript and CSS libraries to help build better websites and web applications. This month, we have …

How Creativity and Care Power Your Coding Needs

In theory, design teams do the creative work, and expert developers transform their creations into working code. A wall often exists between these two…
