Latest in: Freelance

Choosing to go freelance is a significant decision. Yet, for those who embark on this journey, it can be immensely rewarding. No matter the type of creative freelance work you pursue, there are common challenges and benefits you'll encounter. Dealing with clients and meeting deadlines are just a few examples.

We've amassed a wealth of freelance-related information that you'll find invaluable. Feel free to explore.

5 Reasons Why You Should Try Freelancing

For me, when I started freelancing full-time, it was (somewhat) the case of following others, more than anything else. What struck me most was the eas…

5 Places to Sell Your Artwork Online

Selling art online is making a comeback. Artists have been selling their work on the Internet but as of late, there’s an increase in online art sale…

Maximizing Productivity in Remote Work: Tips and Strategies

The COVID-19 pandemic is over one year old (unhappy b-day to you, bastard!), and many companies worldwide decide to go remote. We, the software develo…

Roadmap to Being a Successful Freelancer - (Part III)

You finally got the project and are getting ready to get started. Little do you know that working from home will present its own sets of problems. Don…

Roadmap to Being a Successful Freelancer - (Part II)

I know many of you may be uncomfortable or too shy to sell even your own service. Unfortunately, you have no option. You have to get out of your comfo…

Roadmap to Being a Successful Freelancer - (Part I)

There are many types of creative workers, be it web designers or graphic designers, who are very interested in working as a freelancer rather than wor…

7 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Clients

Freelancers live and die by the unofficial ‘Client is king’ rule. 99% of the time, it’s a good rule. It helps us keep a level head on our should…

21 Productivity Tips for Freelance Web Designers

Boost your productivity as a freelance web designer with these useful tips. Get more done in less time and improve your workflow.

Helpful Writing Sites For Fiction Writers

Your creative process as a fiction writer may differ from those of your peers, but one thing’s for sure: all of you struggle with the same basic pro…

7 Great Ways to Get Your Resume Noticed

Getting your resume noticed is the first step towards successful employment, and it may lay down the path of the rest of the recruitment stages. Sure,…

How to Stay Creative While Working From Home

Working from home is a dream come true for a lot of us. We get to choose our hours, spend more time with family, work in our PJs if we want to, and ca…

Winning Life Battles: 15 Lessons from The Art of War

“The Art of War” by Sun Tzu is widely regarded by many as not only a “bible” for the battlefield but also a great source of lessons for life i…
