35 Times Honesty Didn’t Save The Day (Photos)
Honesty’s the best policy, we’re told time and time again when we were kids, by the same adults who bluff at cards, tell white lies, bend the trut…
There are individuals who naturally inspire us through their acts of immense kindness, their unwavering passion, and even their setbacks. These could be everyday fathers striving to be exceptional, influential figures reshaping the tech world, accomplished entrepreneurs, or young individuals refusing to let age define their capabilities.
In this section, we celebrate these inspiring stories. Additionally, you'll find articles aimed at enhancing your personal development, particularly in the realm of interpersonal skills.
Honesty’s the best policy, we’re told time and time again when we were kids, by the same adults who bluff at cards, tell white lies, bend the trut…
Everyone’s got to start somewhere before iconic leaders make headlines – Barack Obama is no different. Long before he was President of the United …
In our leadership-obsessed culture, being marked a follower is often symbolized as one’s inability or weakness. Those in charge are glorified, while…
I read an article that quoted Dropbox CEO Jeff Houston listing his 5 favorite job interview questions. One of the questions was If you were able to si…
Transitioning from a writer to a Technical Editor at Hongkiat.com (HKDC) has been an enriching journey. With about a year of writing experience, I’v…
Judging by all those posts you read on social media, I’m a millennial or in other words I’m in the 18 to 34 year old range when this post was writ…
You have probably read about the scientific reason why we want to hug or squeeze something insanely cute or adorable – to death. The condition is ca…
I was fully expecting to be running my own business by the ripe old age of 25. This blind drive to succeed is as much a product of my own skills, gene…
Kids always amaze me with their brutally honest opinions, their no-nonsense approach to what’s black or white with little to no care for what falls …
As baby boomers take up retirement and leave voids in senior positions in organizations to be filled, the Gen-X, Gen-Y and Gen-Z put themselves up on …
With a wealth of resources available to us, sometimes we look for little nuggets of wisdom from the Internet or from the people around us. Comics aren…
With the demand for design increasing every day, so too is the number of designers out there competing for the same jobs. It’s not enough anymore to…