Latest in: Toolkit

This toolkit section offers an outstanding compilation of resources essential for web design and development.

We feature themes and templates, coding tools and editors, plugins, tips, bookmarklets, file-sharing tools, collaboration tools, monitoring tools, color pickers, scheme generators, and comprehensive resource kits for infographics and royalty-free stock photos.

Create Custom Right-Click Context Menus with justContext.js

Every web browser has a default context menu. This appears when the user right-clicks anywhere on a page and it usually has the same options, such as …

Run & Share Snippets With

There are dozens of browser-based IDEs but most of them focus on frontend languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. is a new contender, focusing o…

Build Dynamic Graphs Quickly on D3 with Plottable.js

The free D3.js library is just one of many that lets you create interactive graphics on the page. While D3 is perhaps the most popular of the bunch, l…

Build Colorful Flat-Themed Websites with CSS Mint UI Kit

Open-source frontend UI kits are all the rage in the development community. They save time on all aspects of laying out grids, styling page elements, …

Add Margin Hover Text to Any Websites Easily with Marginotes

Inline tooltips are fantastic but sometimes they just don’t fit well with certain content. Most websites leave space in the margins along the page b…

Wing – Minimalist CSS Framework Web Designers Want

The frontend ecosystem is full of open-source frameworks made to improve your development process. Usually, everyone wants something different from th…

Free Open Source Reddit User Analysing Tool

The Reddit community is absolutely massive with so much to do and so much content to browse through. But, subreddits aren’t the only interesting par…

Visualize Your Color Palettes Online with Speculo

The typical mockup design process can feel like a chore. You have to flip between Photoshop (or Sketch) to change colors, typefaces, styles, and compa…

Manage Local Server .dev Environments with “Hotel”

Every web developer needs their own local server environment for testing projects. These servers can range from PHP/MySQL to complex setups with Rails…

Build Responsive Tabbed Widgets with GridTab

It’s always easier to build websites using open source tools rather than reinventing the wheel. These tools range from libraries to smaller plugins …

FormBucket – Build Web Forms with No Programming

It’s easy enough to create HTML forms but handling user input is a much greater task. If you don’t like coding on the backend this can be solved w…

Embed CanIUse Tables Into Your Website with This Tool

Every developer should know about CanIUse. It’s an amazing resource that catalogs all the latest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript specs as they’re adopte…
