Latest in: UI/UX

The study of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) plays a crucial role in crafting a product that resonates with your target audience. Find inspiration from stunning UI portfolios, or explore features that can enhance your product, such as parallax scrolling, dynamic grids, and innovative UI concepts.

Beyond web UI, we also delve into mobile UI, navigation, user testing, and, for enthusiasts, we showcase free GUI kits worth exploring.

50 Free and Useful GUI Icon Sets for Web Designers

Icons are little graphical elements on a website that help the user in navigating through the pages. Keeping the importance of icons in mind, previous…

Design Stunning Bootstrap Layouts with Bootplus Framework

It’s so easy to create sleek websites with Bootstrap, even if you have zero design knowledge. The library is easy to set up and works right out of t…

Now UI Kit – Definitive Bootstrap 4 GUI

As frontend developers eagerly await the official release of Bootstrap 4, we’re skimming detailed guides covering the awesome new features. However,…

Create Fast Masonry Grid Layouts with Bricks.js

It’s always been pretty simple to create grids with jQuery, using plugins and free tutorials from developers. However, masonry grids are tougher to …

Create Sliding Hamburger Menus with jQuery Sliding Framework

UX designers bicker over the use of hamburger menus in web design. They serve a purpose for mobile users but also have lower discoverability. I can’…

Embed Animated GIFs Like Facebook with jqGifPreview

Twitter and Facebook have a lot of people sharing animated GIFs daily. If these are all auto-played they could be gruesome in a feed. Both networks ge…

50 Dribbble Freebies For Web Designers

Looking for high-quality design resources to help you with your creative projects? Look no further than Dribbble, a popular online community for desig…

Create Device Mockups in Browser with DeviceMock

You can find tons of free device mockups online, ranging from PSDs to Sketch files. But, what if you could quickly build device mockups on-the-fly in …

jQuery Plugin to Create Smarter Responsive Navigation Menu

Every modern site needs a responsive layout and a usable navigation. That’s a given. But, hamburger menus can only go so far and they radically chan…
