33 Beautiful Re-design of Popular Websites
Not every designer gets a chance to work on the design of a popular brand or their websites. However, most have their own view of how Facebook, BBC, Twitter, Youtube, and other sites should look. That’s why a lot of designers all over the world take their time to create redesign concepts for these famous sites.
They’re not limited by specific guidelines and time, which is perfect for their creative visions and innovations to take root and flight. In this showcase, we have collected 33 redesign concepts of the sites you have come to know and love. Let us know which of the redesign concepts you love best or if you prefer what the official sites look like right now.
Here is a concept redesign of the famous e-commerce website Craiglist. The designer has worked on the listing page of the website by making it cleaner, adding a prominent search bar, and working up the placement of filters.
Image source: Tanveer Junayed

Dribble is the hub of the most excellent designers and it is only natural that one of those brilliant minds does a redesign of the website. What I like is the use of a (Twitter and Facebook-like) cover for the profile page as well as the layout of project shots.
Image source: Dmitriy Kharaberyush

This redesign concept of Etsy uses visuals more boldly and neatly than its current web design. You can see bigger product images and a small dropdown menu box that gives you some information about the product as you hover the mouse cursor on it.
Image source: Austin Baird

Despite being used by millions, Wikipedia has a very unimpressive web design leaving much need for a redesign. This design concept lays out the information in well-composed blocks and also features image tiles that open up a large image when clicked. Hopefully, Wikipedia gets some inspiration from this…
Image source: George Kvasnikov

This is an interesting redesign concept of LinkedIn that features a cleaner and modern layout as compared to the current one. I especially like how suggestions and recommendations have been placed neatly at the side and bottom, respectively, however, LinkedIn’s brand blue is a bit lacking in this design.
Image source: Ramil Derogongun

Here is a completely new, simple and modern UI for the famous BBC news website. The designer has emphasized on clean and simple reading experience with a full-view article page. Also, the image slider right at the top gives an imposing look to the design.
Image source: Baraa Bilal

A cool redesign of YouTube that features a darker interface, a play button that follows along the slider, volume, settings, and subtitles appearing by mouse movement, and a video description appearing as the first comment. Moreover, you can see other videos of the same author by clicking on the background.
Image source: Aurélien Salomon

Amazon Streaming
Here is an experimental redesign of Amazon’s movie streaming service. The two design options show a minimal yet visually striking layout. In one option, Amazon’s signature yellow appears as a bold sidebar featuring categories. In the other one, the sidebar appears white with yellow highlights as you hover.
Image source: James Cipriano

Twitter Profile
Inspired by Twitter’s latest profile page redesign, this is concept design features a very modern look and great use of space. The sidebar on the left has a solid blue color that gives a certain balance to the layout. The use of flat design and placement of toolbar icons give it quite a fresh look.
Image source: Ramil Derogongun

Here is a designer’s version of Facebook redesign with a clearer interface and less cluttered content presentation. The Like and Share have been moved to the Comments box, and a new button Save Post has been added. Additionally, you can add your current mood to your avatar as a badge.
Image source: Aurélien Salomon

Social Network
This is a clean interface concept design mainly for a generic social media website. It shows great use of white space and well-organized content.
Image source: Kyril Ku

The image-based social media network Tumblr is already famous among millions, but it won’t hurt to give it a nice redesign. Here is a concept design that shows a neat and clutter-free interface. Messages, Posts, Followers, and other tabs have been organized in a nice sidebar with a larger, bolder image display.
Image source: Davide Pacilio

Facebook Timeline
This is a Facebook Timeline concept redesign in the form of an actual two-column timeline. What I find really interesting is the profile page, where the cover photo, name, and other information are displayed quite boldly.
Image source: Vitalijs Silkins

Though designers have given a lot of thought to the current interface of Instagram, this concept also plays with some vital UI and UX elements. The flat design ensures minimalism so the user can navigate easily. However, it would be interesting to see what happens when you hover over an image.
Image source: Dmitri Litvinov

Apple Store
This concept redesign of the Apple Stores has been built on a modular UI/UX approach. You can see the designer has used bigger images and less text, thus directing the user’s attention to the products.
Image source: Amber Creative

Dropbox dashboard
Most of us are quite used to the current dashboard of Dropbox. However, this redesign concept takes an even minimal approach towards its design. You can see Dropbox’s own blue and white color scheme with flat design icons and a neat interface.
Image source: Vivek Ravin

Here is a redesign concept of Basecamp that uses minimalism and flat design as its main focus. I like the color scheme as well as the choice of icons.
Image source: Kenil Bhavsar

A talented designer has given Sparrow a new look as a tribute to this project. This neat design uses an excellent color scheme and a dark UI that’s popular among users.
Image source: Vincent Tantardini

This redesign is based on certain problems highlighted on the Lastfm website. It features a modern, ultra-simple yet functional landing page. The designer has experimented with the placement of tabs, cleaner layout, and extracts of important content to improve the overall user experience.
Image source: Wilmer Murillo

This McDonald’s website redesign concept highlights large images and blog typography. With a neat menu bar, textured background, and interesting icons, this design looks quite appealing.
Image source: Emilia Szkurłat

A neat and consistent approach towards concept redesign of Yahoo website. The sidebar in Yahoo’s own purple color has different pages and a forex graph, and the right panel has a profile, chat, and section of the news.
Image source: Alex Banaga

This redesign concept of CNN website is not very different than the current one; still, in this version, the content has been arranged in a much more well-organized way. It also has a separate side panel for the latest and breaking news.
Image source: Igor leygerman

This rethink design has been created after much research into user behavior. Readers can sync messages in Twitter, read the news that they prefer, customize news layouts by photo and video materials, quotes, screenshots from social networks and so on.
Image source: Tema Troinoi

In this redesign, the focus lays on user experience by adding quick action on the right-hand bar and minimizing steps involved in regular activities on the PayPal website. Though I would’ve liked to see some more colors in the redesign.
Image source: Budi Tanrim

A cool redesign concept for the stock images website Unsplash. This neat design uses different blocks of information and website elements. I like the font they have used, but a few more colors would have been better.
Image source: Ben Schade

Though the current Doplr website has quite a good UI design, here is a clean redesign of the website that makes it much easier for the user to navigate. However, the buttons could have been made a bit bigger so the design doesn’t look too empty.
Image source: Ben Bate

An attempt to improve Google search page’s user experience, this redesign concept highlights a sidebar that allows you to filter results and define types of files and settings that offer customized result preferences. The interface is also quite modern and cleaner than the current.
Image source: Aurélien Salomon

H&M Homepage
A fresh clean interface experimental redesign of famous clothing and apparel website H&M. The design features effective use of color and imagery along with some new fonts.
Image source: Andrew Baygulov

A new concept homepage for IMDb that highlights a simpler design with a more cinematic feeling to it. The designer has tried to make it clean and simple but also be capable of showing a lot of information.
Image source: Bart Ebbekink

Of all the social media websites, Reddit is in the biggest need of a redesign. Here is a concept design of the website that features cleaner style for better readability and a much better arrangement of subreddits and account management in the same drawer.
Image source: Aurélien Salomon

In this concept design, MTV’s website has been given a fresh look and distinctive visual language without being too trendy. The designer has used abstract and futuristic shapes with filter effect and a new typeface.
Image source: Aykut Yılmaz

Bing Search Engine
Here is a little rethink effort on the design aspects of the Bing search engine. The designer has made only a few visual adjustments that made the platform look and function better than its current version.
Image source: Jayaprasad Mohanan

Home to wonderful artists, deviantART has received its own redesign that features a modern, clean and minimal interface. Though some functional aspects have been compromised to make the design look better, but then again, it’s just a concept.
Image source: Ariel Verber