20 Web Design Concepts That’ll Blow Your Mind
Creating an effective and exciting experience is a crucial part of the success of any website design. With HTML5 it is now possible to add dynamic interactions to websites and make them come alive. In today’s collection, I’d like to share the 20 coolest web design concepts found on the Web.
In this list, you’ll see website designs that are out of the ordinary and almost wildly experimental. Some sites will take you through cinematic video experiences, others have 360° views that allow interaction, and more come with amazing visual and sound effects triggered with clicks, drags and hovers, unusual navigation, etc.
These sites all step out of the box to create something really special but in order to experience what has been built, you have to visit the sites yourself.
45 Interesting Websites You Should Know (And Bookmark)
Internet is a place of anything and everything. No matter which walks of life you belong to, there... Read more
1. The House Hunters Journey
The hunt for the perfect house starts in your mind. This cool interactive website (with cool navigation) takes you through all the needed steps to find a dream home. Start the experience by scrolling on your mouse.

2. Super Mario Museum
The video game of my childhood is still popular among some geeks, and if it is your thing, then this Mario Museum will be a stroll down memory lane. You can explore many eras of Mario game with this simple site.
Read more: 6 Lessons Super Mario Can Teach You about Freelancing

3. V O I D
VOID is a website created by Hi-ReS! agency as a playground for various visual experiments. Follow the instructions and get lost in the abyss.

4. Make Me Pulse
"Click & hold" to see various interaction features, such as reversing letters or bright tape stretching toward your mouse. Mouse over to see more effects.

5. Le Dernier Gaulois/h4>
Discover the story of Apatar, a legendary Gallic, through six beautifully illustrated episodes. The website has great usability and a well-integrated scrolling experience.

6. Fornasetti
Fornasetti is a design brand known for its unique style. This website is a playful secret page where you can click-shoot at flying face-discs (go to the site, and this sentence will make sense).

7. Social Wars
A stats page for Star Wars: Episode VII, this site is set to track the social footprint of the franchise. Click Use the Data Force to get started.

8. Beer 34
34.ge was made for the first Georgian craft beer 34. Everything you need to know about this legendary beer is told here using beautiful detailed illustrations.

9. Si le Soleil
How do you tell the tale of a vivid sea voyage? Like this. You tell it like this. This amazing website shows a sailing trip experience from France to the Canary Islands.

10. Norilsk Film
This website is a web documentary in progress and features 3D videos and panoramas, documentary plots, real-life characters, a unique shooting perspective, and Norilsk timelines.

This is a 360 interactive lookbook made by Lacoste in China. Discover yourself in a snow globe where time has stood still and see floating models in the Lacoste outerwear collection.

12. Holiday Memories
This website shows how the British holiday has changed over a hundred years. It features unique old photos and facts about traveling.

13. City of Future Water
Denmark is known as an international front-runner in water technology. This website presents innovative water technologies through interactive design elements.

14. Share the Force
Here is one more website dedicated to Star Wars. It collects Star Wars memories and you can share your own memories there. Try not to break the pew-pew buttons.

15. Creative Cruise
This website was crafted to celebrate Amsterdam’s creative vibe. I love detailed, vivid illustrations and smooth moves. Click and drag anywhere on the page to move the cruise ship.

16. Brewery
Brewery is the first cyber bar. It’s the most fun and entertaining way to invite your friend for a beer. Just go to the link provided on the home page and press the button.

17. Panic
Panic, an animation studio in Latvia, shows their skills in motion graphics, 3d animation, and graphic design, which help them make amazing stories come alive. Check out their Works to get an idea of the possibilities.

18. Nike – GeÃÂç Kendini
This website was created to promote Nike Women’s 2015 Summer Styles. It’s an interactive, playful video experience where you can choose what to do next.

19. 30u
30u is a shoe collection website where you can pick your own style. You can change color combinations and the whole look of the shoes to choose what style fits your taste best.

20. Austrian Summer Moments
Austria is home to crystal clear lakes, Tyrolean mountains and Viennese museums. This website helps give you a first-person view, albeit online experience that takes you through beautiful places in Austria. Choose where you want to go next.