Create Your Personal Floor Guide with Path Guide
Navigating a large building for the first time can be very disorienting, particularly if you’re actively look for a particular sport in said building. Microsoft itself would probably be aware that navigating a new place could be challenging for some, which is why the company has released an app called Path Guide for Android devices.
Path Guide works by recording sensory data from the Android device itself. From there, it is capable of sensing how many steps you take, how many turns you’ve made, and how many levels you’ve climbed. By compiling these information, the app will be able to give you accurate directions to your destination.
Read Also: 10 Free Tools to Create Your Own Maps

Once you’ve managed to create a path of your own, the app will give you the option of uploading the newly-created path to the cloud. Paths that have been uploaded to the cloud can then be downloaded and used by other Path Guide users.

Overall, the app itself is pretty handy, especially if you’re looking to give directions to your friends. For those looking to download directions instead, the app itself is rather new, and as such, Path Guide isn’t quite as useful in that department. Nevertheless, map-toolsthat particular problem can be remedied over time.