8 Photographers Who Rule Creative Kids Photography
Having kids is one of the many life-changing experiences in a person’s life, and for many new parents, it triggers the video-taking, photo-snapping instinct in their body and lo and behold you are looking at pictures of bums, "accidents" and baby drool all over your Facebook wall. And then, you get these photographers who take awesome and creative photos of their kids that you actually wouldn’t mind to look at, over and over again.
Some of them are taken in a natural setting, others have props and scenery set up to create funny and endearing situations, but they are all very creative, inspiring, and fun to look at. Here’s a look at the kind of photographs parents should take more of.
24 Creative Family Portraits Ideas For Your Inspiration
Of all the memories we all hold on to, the ones we never learn to let go of... Read more
Elena Shumilova
It takes lots of talent to be able to capture photos like how Elena Shumilova takes them. Her picture seems to be magical retelling of a fairy tale. She usually takes pictures of her children and their pets, locking in the natural elegance (and innocence), which betrays itself the moment you lay eyes on the pictures.
For more: Visit Elena Shumilova’s 500px.

Adrian Sommeling
Adrian Sommeling is a skilled photographer and photo manipulator. He puts kids in creative situations which defy logic, the laws of physics and sometimes, nature itself. His photos are very vibrant and you can see the emotion shine through in the faces of his children.
For more: Visit Adrian Sommeling’s website

Bill Gekas
Just like any father, Bill Gekas enjoys taking pictures of his daughter. However, he takes a unique approach by using his daughter as a subject to recreate classic paintings, pictures and movie scenes that some of you might have come across.
For More: Visit Bill Gekas’ website

Toyokazu Nagano
Photographer Toyokazu Nagano and father of Kanna, portrays his daughter’s loud expressions by putting her in creative and fun poses. With the use of clever props, the photos are hardly average and you’re even sure if it is the father who is a talented photographer or his daughter who is an amazing model.
For More: Visit Toyokazu Nagano’s Flickr

Dave Engledow
You must have seen some of Dave Engledow’s work. A photo artist, and self-proclaimed "World’s Best Father" (we have to agree on that one), Dave puts his adorable daughter, Alice in humorous and fun situations that parents can only call "their worst nightmare".
For More: Visit Dave Engledow’s Instagram

Michelle is like any other mother who enjoys blogging about life with her family and children at Burgh Baby. Once in a while, she posts unique street drawings drawn with chalk with her daughter as the subject. The effect is mystical.
For More: Visit Michelle’s blog

Jason Lee
Jason Lee became an Internet sensation when the photographs of his 2 daughters in unique situations began circulating around the Web. He puts them in physics-defying, levitating, mind-boggling situations but in all of them, the sisters are as happy as can be.
For More: Visit Jason Lee’s blog

Tim MacPherson
For a kid, the home is a playground, with a bit of help from their imagination. Tim MacPherson recreates outdoor scenes adventures from every day household items like bedsheets, pails and cardboards to make waves, motorcyle wheels and a horse.
For more: Visit Tim MacPherson’s website