20 Creative Ways to Decorate Wall Outlets
Have you ever looked at a power socket and noticed that it kind of looks like a funny little face that is trying to tell you something? Actually, you’re not that far off as a lot of people have already found ways to decorate their outlets with cool stickers and covers.
All in good fun, creative wall stickers and covers are a classy and great way to spice up a boring wall outlet. After all, they’re all over your house, so why not give your outlets some personality and spunk? Here are 20+ funny and creative wall outlet stickers and covers that wil make your guests do a double-take.
Recommended Reading: Creative & Contemporary Vinyl Wall Sticker Designs
#1 @Ziemowit Maj
This adorable robot doesn’t seem too pleased about having to power up your sockets. Still you can’t help but smile watching its expression.

#2 @Ambiance
Nostalgia alert! Not all of us can be smart and cool like Dexter but hey, a spiffy outlet sticker doesn’t hurt.

#3 @Ziemowit Maj
This gives another meaning to the term ‘manpower’. Let’s hope he has enough to keep going.

#4 @StickThat
Now your outlet can be surprised and sophisticated with these cute mustache decals. Top hats, anyone?

#5 @Gama Go
Can’t stand looking at the pained expressions of your outlets like the one below? This bandage outlet cover should be able to ease some of the pain.

#6 @Hu2
And this is how electricity came to be! Okay, not exactly but it’s still informative and adorable.

#7 @Hu2
Don’t worry, this little guy has got your power supply covered. C’mon little hamster, you’re almost at full capacity!

#8 @Rytis Zaveckas
Nope, sadly this door does not lead to Wonderland. Well, not unless you think Wonderland means a working power socket.

#9 @Sluug
Hamsters are curious animals and it looks like this one got way more than he bargained for.

#10 @Sluug
Some squirrels steal your nuts, this one wants to steal your electricity.

#11 @Nendo
This is one way to utilize deer antlers; let them hold your phone up whilst charging.

#12 @Adrien Gardére
It’s amazing what careful placement and imagination can do.

#13 @Meridian Point
More functional than pretty, this hidden wall outlet will keep your valuables out of sight. Just don’t forget which outlet you installed it in.

#14 @verryberrysticker
This little robot wants to be your friend and power up your gadgets for you.

#15 @zhiyu&art decor
This is a clever and super cute option for those who want to make their day a little "brighter".

#16 @Hu2
Looks like paper windmills can be put to good use after all. A creative way to keep the power flowing through your outlet .

#17 @Electric Sticker Co.
Is it your art that’s got him gasping? Who knows. But it sure is fun to look at.

#18 @Ambiance
A shockingly simple way to show the transition from rain to lightning.

#19 @Ambiance
Everybody in the house will be doing the Bartman with the addition of this sticker.

#20 @Ambiance
No need to call the hairdresser for this one. That hairdo looks fabulous as is.