Latest in: Design / Dev

Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Multisite with MAMP

According to, WordPress is the most popular publishing platform with more than 8 million website using it as their Content Management Sy…

How to Edit CSS Dotted Outline

By default, when an anchor tag element is in active or focus state, a dotted line appears around it, as shown in the image below. This outline is used…

Convert CSS to PSD with CSS Hat

Converting your Photoshop layers into web elements can be a daunting task. Especially when you’re trying to turn Photoshop layer effects into CSS, y…

Creative Error 404 Pages, Vol. 2

The Error 404 page is like a little-hidden world that you often hope no one will see. But if someone does, you should make sure that it's amazing!

Web Design & Development Salary Guide: Comparisons

So I think it is worth a comparison between annual salaries over different countries. Here’s how we’re doing this. I have put together salary info…

Enabling Infinite Scroll for WordPress Themes

On the web, Infinite Scroll is a technique that loads content continuously as users scroll down a page. As long as there is more content, it will keep…
