Latest in: Design / Dev

5 Apps to Improve Your Design Process

It would be ideal if you could devote 100% of your workday doing what you do best — web design/development. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work …

Now UI Kit – Definitive Bootstrap 4 GUI

As frontend developers eagerly await the official release of Bootstrap 4, we’re skimming detailed guides covering the awesome new features. However,…

How to Exclude XML Sitemaps from Caching in WordPress

Using caching plugins is probably the easiest way to to speed up your WordPress site. However, you might end up getting your sitemap cached too and th…

An Introduction to Web Workers JavaScript API

Web Workers is a JavaScript API that allows you to run scripts in a separate thread from the main one. It can come in handy when you don’t want any …

Add Web-based Content Editing With Substance

Many web applications support user input and it’s great to let users edit their text with formatting. Bold text, headings, links, underlines, all of…

50 Best Website Interface Photoshop Tutorials

Photoshop is a great tool for designing a website but it is also very complicated. There are always new design trends and techniques emerging. However…

Launching a New WordPress Site – Part 2: On-Site Tasks

Launching a new WordPress site involves many different tasks. The first part of this article looked into off-site tasks you need to execute outside of…
