10 Web Apps Made with Backbone.js [Case Study]
Have you ever been entangled in spaghetti code? Would you rather feed your app something healthier? If so, take a peek at what can be accomplished wit…
Have you ever been entangled in spaghetti code? Would you rather feed your app something healthier? If so, take a peek at what can be accomplished wit…
Along with Google Photos, Google has completely revamped Polymer, enhancing its performance and efficiency. Think of Polymer as a Software Development…
Pre-made layouts represent concepts. They are powerful building tools that will help you get your project off to a quick start. They also serve as ide…
Can you believe that this series has been running for almost 3 years? In that short a time, we have featured at least 30 lists of the freshest resourc…
We come across them dates and time… well, every day. When it comes to the Web, you can spot them in your mobile apps, in emails, in your messaging a…
Google’s APIs, including jQuery and Web Fonts, are renowned for their speed and reliability, thanks to Google’s robust infrastructure. These resou…
<animate> and <animateMotion> are native elements for animating SVGs, but if you’re more comfortable with CSS, you can use CSS Animation…
We consider the multipurpose WordPress Themes presented here to be among the very best on the market today. Many of them are fairly well established, …
If you love to create infographics, then you might have come across our previously published ultimate infographic resource kits for designers post. Th…
Qards is a WordPress plugin, produced by Designmodo, which allows you to edit existing pages or produce new pages precisely the way you intended.
Dribbble is a popular website to in the design sphere where you can share your WIP projects, designs, mockups, and even freebies. In return you will g…
It feels like New Year’s was just yesterday. Nonetheless, we are here now in May, and the time has come for us to share new resources with our fello…