The Dead Simple Guide To Basic Logo Design
When you think logo what comes to mind? A golden arched M, a bunch of lines and circles, or maybe just a cute small shape? Then why must “logo desig…
When you think logo what comes to mind? A golden arched M, a bunch of lines and circles, or maybe just a cute small shape? Then why must “logo desig…
Attachment pages are not very well known or understood in WordPress. Each item you upload through WordPress – be it an image, audio, video, or any o…
Drag-and-drop methods have gained popularity among non-technical users for arranging web layouts. This explains the success of platforms like Wix, Squ…
For those of us constantly on the go, notifications keep us informed about important events, news, and updates. Notifications reduce waiting times whi…
One of the best parts about WordPress is how easy it is to customize with plugins. To illustrate its flexibility, here are a few examples of what you …
Note: This post was first published on the Feb 23, 2015. Jetpack offers a variety of modules to enhance your WordPress site with features like contact…
Photoshop is well-known among designers, and tools like CSS3Ps and FontAwesomePS have made it useful for making web design prototypes. However, it’s…
The job of a web designer can be a real pain and frustrating one, but it is also a close-knit community with a healthy sense of humor. Take for instan…
I’ve already written about how to get started with Gulp as well as how to get started with Grunt. They both automate our tasks, they both use Node, …
The reason that we have coding standards at all (not just for WordPress) is to create a familiar environment for programmers working on a project. Wor…
CSS3 has greatly expanded what we can achieve on websites using just HTML and CSS. You can explore remarkable examples we’ve previously highlighted.…
If you haven’t gotten the hint yet, Valentine’s Day is this Saturday. Whether it’s for business or for your own personal use, chances are you’…