Discover Top GitHub Projects with This Chrome Extension
It seems like every day there are tons of new tools and libraries published online. But, there’s so much data out there it can be almost impossible to keep up.
The GitHub community is one such example where new repos get added all the time. Projects gradually gain popularity and trickle around the web but it’s still tough to find them.
Read Also: 10 Useful Github Features You Need To Know
With the free Githunt extension, you’ll have a much easier time finding the latest repos for whatever language(s) you like.

Once you install Githunt, you’ll get a list of popular repos every time you open a new tab in Chrome. It’ll look similar to the screen above. It lets you sort by a set time (weekly, monthly, or yearly) and it also lets you sort by coding languages.
GitHub offers dozens of languages, so it can be tough knowing what to settle on. If you’re a frontend developer then CSS or JavaScript would make the most sense. Backend developers may go with their favorite language like Python or Ruby or PHP.
One thing to note is that GitHub has a set limit on the total public API requests. This plugin does cache everything but you can increase the rate limits by getting your own GitHub access token for the extension (totally free).
You add this token by right-clicking on the Githunt icon in Chrome, then selecting “Options” from the context menu. On this new page, you can add an API key to increase the API quota and ultimately browse more projects per day.
For most users, this won’t be necessary because the Githunt plugin is simple enough to operate on its own.
Just install the plugin from the Chrome Web Store and open a new tab. You should see a big list of repos with some dropdowns. Now, pick a language you like and dig into some of the newest repos. You may be surprised what you can find!

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