Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Users

Turn yourself into a Google Sheets pro on Windows with shortcuts that simplify your workflow.

Working with Google Sheets can be a complex task, especially when you’re dealing with extensive data. But what if you could simplify this process and enhance your efficiency? These shortcuts are not just about speeding up your work; they’re about transforming the way you interact with Google Sheets.

From basic navigation to advanced functions, these shortcuts are designed to make your spreadsheet experience smoother and more productive. Here’s a full list of Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts for Windows users.

google sheets windows keyboard shortcuts

Google Sheets shortcuts for:

Common Actions
Action Shortcut
Select column Ctrl + Space
Select row Shift + Space
Select all Ctrl + a, Ctrl + Shift + Space
Undo Ctrl + z
Redo Ctrl + y, Ctrl + Shift + z, F4
Find Ctrl + f
Find and replace Ctrl + h
Fill range Ctrl + Enter
Fill down Ctrl + d
Fill right Ctrl + r
Save (every change is saved automatically in Drive) Ctrl + s
Open Ctrl + o
Print Ctrl + p
Copy Ctrl + c
Cut Ctrl + x
Paste Ctrl + v
Paste values only Ctrl + Shift + v
Show common keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + /
Insert new sheet Shift + f11
Compact controls Ctrl + Shift + f
Input tools on/off Ctrl + Shift + k
Select input tools Ctrl + alt + Shift + k
Tool finder (formerly Search the menus) alt + /
Rename sheet alt + 1
Format Cells
Action Shortcut
Bold Ctrl + b
Underline Ctrl + u
Italic Ctrl + i
Strikethrough alt + Shift + 5
Center align Ctrl + Shift + e
Left align Ctrl + Shift + l
Right align Ctrl + Shift + r
Apply top border alt + Shift + 1
Apply right border alt + Shift + 2
Apply bottom border alt + Shift + 3
Apply left border alt + Shift + 4
Remove borders alt + Shift + 6
Apply outer border alt + Shift + 7
  Ctrl + Shift + 7
Insert link Ctrl + k
Insert time Ctrl + Shift + ;
Insert date Ctrl + ;
Insert date and time Ctrl + alt + Shift + ;
Format as decimal Ctrl + Shift + 1
Format as time Ctrl + Shift + 2
Format as date Ctrl + Shift + 3
Format as currency Ctrl + Shift + 4
Format as percentage Ctrl + Shift + 5
Format as exponent Ctrl + Shift + 6
Clear formatting Ctrl + \
Navigate the Spreadsheet
Edit Notes and Comments
Action Shortcut
Insert/edit note Shift + f2
Insert/edit comment Ctrl + alt + m
Open comment discussion thread Ctrl + alt + Shift + a
Enter current comment hold Ctrl + alt, press e then c
Move to next comment hold Ctrl + alt, press n then c
Move to previous comment hold Ctrl + alt, press p then c
Use Keyboard Shortcuts on Selected Comments
Action Shortcut
Reply to current comment R
Move to next comment J
Move to previous comment K
Resolve current comment E
Exit current comment U
Open a Menu
Menu Google Chrome Shortcut Other Browsers Shortcut
File menu alt + f alt + Shift + f
Edit menu alt + e alt + Shift + e
View menu alt + v alt + Shift + v
Insert menu alt + i alt + Shift + i
Format menu alt + o alt + Shift + o
Data menu alt + d alt + Shift + d
Tools menu alt + t alt + Shift + t
Open insert menu Ctrl + alt + Shift + = Ctrl + alt + = (with cells selected)
Open delete menu Ctrl + alt + (with cells selected)
Form menu (connected to a form) alt + m alt + Shift + m
Add-ons menu alt + n alt + Shift + n
Help menu alt + h alt + Shift + h
Accessibility menu (screen reader support) alt + a alt + Shift + a
Sheet menu (copy, delete, other sheet actions)   alt + Shift + s
Context menu Ctrl + Shift + \ Shift + f10
Add or Change Rows and Columns
Action Shortcut (General) Shortcut (Google Chrome) Shortcut (Other Browsers)
Insert rows above Ctrl + alt + Shift + = alt + i, then r alt + Shift + i, then r
  Ctrl + alt + = (with rows selected)    
Insert rows below   alt + i, then w alt + Shift + i, then w
Insert columns to the left Ctrl + alt + Shift + = alt + i, then c alt + Shift + i, then c
  Ctrl + alt + = (with columns selected)    
Insert columns to the right   alt + i, then o alt + Shift + i, then o
Delete rows Ctrl + alt + (with rows selected) alt + e, then d alt + Shift + e, then d
Delete columns Ctrl + alt + (with columns selected) alt + e, then e alt + Shift + e, then e
Hide row Ctrl + alt + 9    
Unhide row Ctrl + Shift + 9    
Hide column Ctrl + alt + 0    
Unhide column Ctrl + Shift + 0    
Group rows or columns alt + Shift + right Arrow    
Ungroup rows or columns alt + Shift + left Arrow    
Expand grouped rows or columns alt + Shift + down Arrow    
Collapse grouped rows or columns alt + Shift + up Arrow  
Use Formulas
Action Shortcut
Show all formulas Ctrl + ~
Insert array formula Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Collapse an expanded array formula Ctrl + e
Show/hide formula help (when entering formula) Shift + f1
Full/compact formula help (when entering formula) F1
Absolute/relative references (when entering formula) F4
Toggle formula result previews (when entering formula) F9
Resize formula bar (move up or down) Ctrl + up / Ctrl + down
Toggle formula range selection (when entering formula) F2 / Ctrl + e
Help for Screen Readers
Action Shortcut
Turn on screen reader support Ctrl + alt + z
Enable braille support Ctrl + alt + h
Read column Ctrl + alt + Shift + c
Read row Ctrl + alt + Shift + r