15 Creative Examples of Hadouken Photography

What will happen if humans suddenly have superpowers? Lots of people will be blown away, as first demonstrated by some Japanese high school girls photographing themselves receiving the Makankosappo, a destructive energy wave that throws victims a few feet back.

The world then adopted the trend, showing off their own version of Makankosappo in social media, and even spawning variations in the form of Kamehameha and Hadouken memes.

You can learn the Hadouken too! It only takes a camera and a magical pose. In these 15 amazingly choreographed photos, you can observe how to position yourself as the blaster and victim. Choose your victims well: friends, colleagues or whoever’s bored, and have a slamming good tme Hadouken-ing them away!

5 Clever Ideas For Great Group Photos

5 Clever Ideas For Great Group Photos

It's not easy to pull off an impressive or very creative group photo, but that's only because we... Read more


Makankosappo. So it all started here, a high-school girl casting Makankosappo blows her innocent classmates away.

Image Source: Wikipedia

Ground Makankosappo. Watch how the energy wave blasts into the ground and bounces back upwards into the victims. The advantage is you get an AoE (Area of Effect) damage.

ground makankosappo
Image Source: Wikipedia

OPR Hadouken. Make no mistake, failure will not be tolerated. If bosses get this superpower, we are all doomed!

opr hadouken
Image Source: Ogilvy PR/London

Mad Coordinator. Just another regular day in the office. She looks creepily calm despite the damage she is unleashing.

mad coordinator
Image Source: GannettLocal

Double Hadouken. Thumbs up for the retro visual FX!

double hadouken
Image Source: New Politics

Straight Into the Heart I love the victim’s face expression, but I’m more curious about how the levitating caster will land.

straight into the heart
Image Source: Anatoleya

Rammy Hadouken. Yep, no students are injured during this cast. Only the teacher who gave too much homework right before the summer holidays.

rammy hadouken
Image Source: Suffolk University

Wedding Hadouken. You can tell she is going to love her long, long time. It’s that or another Hadouken!

wedding hadouken
Image Source: Rob Moors

Sunset Hadouken. Definitely the most beautifully done Hadouken ever. Get nature in on the game!

sunset hadouken
Image Source: CAPCOM

Practice Hadouken. Practice makes perfect, and Carrie Keagan is keen on it.

practice hadouken
Image Source: NY Daily News

Am I Doing It Right? The more skilled you are, the less effort you need to exert. He even has a tie on!

am i doing it right
Image Source: Harvey Perlman

Foursquare Hadouken. Too fast for the camera.

foursquare hadouken
Image Source: Zack Davenport

Ustream QA Hadouken. Full mark on the pose, the particle effect, and the sweet smile (evil in its purest form) on the face.

ustream qa hadouken
Image Source: SeSam

Tricycle Hadouken. Well, isn’t that a bit OP (overpower)?

tricycle hadouken
Image Source: Tricycle Studios Blog

Grasshopper Hadouken. It’s not necessarily for victims to take it from the front; take note.

grasshopper hadouken
Image Source: Grasshopper